Part 13

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Tiffany lay there on the other side of the large bed, quietly staring at the ceiling while she listened to the sound of water running from the bathroom. She tried to sleep but in spite of the comfortable bed, she couldn’t get rid of the tension now that she was really going to share a bed with Taeyeon.

It wasn’t new. She remembered waking up next to Taeyeon that day before she fell ill. But the current situation was different. She was still feeling high and happy from the fact that she and Taeyeon were now officially dating. I have a girlfriend. She smiled to herself. I don’t know whether it’s normal to be this happy considering I’ve never dated a girl before or that I don’t even feel strange about it but heck… I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND! Her smile widened.

The sound of water ceased.

She quickly erased the smile from her face and closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep.

She heard the bathroom door opening a short while later and maintained her stiff position. Her ears went into full alert, registering every shuffle and click and thud in that room. She heard a click, sensed the room darkening and felt the mattress dip. She tried to be as relaxed as she could even when she felt the covers being lifted and another person easing under it, lying next to her.

The room became totally quiet save for their breathing.

She hoped that Taeyeon couldn’t hear the sound of her rampaging heart because she was seriously very nervous.

She heard a shift and held her breath, waiting.

Nothing happened. It was just Taeyeon turning on her side. She turned her head slowly and opened her eyes. She saw Taeyeon’s sleeping face and smiled at how cute the girl looked. She closed her eyes again and relaxed.

Taeyeon heard the soft exhale and opened her eyes. She saw Tiffany’s face now turned towards her and had to smile, still not believing that this girl was finally hers. She moved her hand, searching for Tiffany’s under the blanket.

Tiffany heard the rustling and felt Taeyeon’s hand moving around, searching. She moved her hand until she caught Taeyeon’s, eliciting a chuckle from the other girl.

“I thought you were asleep.”

“I thought you were asleep too” she replied without opening her eyes. She then sensed Taeyeon inching closer and closer. She tried to stop herself from shaking.


Tiffany slowly opened her eyes and almost gasped when she saw their faces just a few inches apart – noses almost touching.

Taeyeon smiled. She let go of Tiffany’s hand and placed her hand on Tiffany’s back, pulling her to move closer.

Tiffany followed the pull, instantly meeting Taeyeon’s waiting lips. Her hand went up to Taeyeon’s cheek, gently caressing the smooth skin.

Taeyeon inched closer, pressing her body against Tiffany’s.

Tiffany responded, her hand now going up into Taeyeon’s hair.

Taeyeon tried to push Tiffany back, rolling on top of her. She had tried to restrain herself for as much as she could but in the end she just couldn’t; not with Tiffany just lying there next to her within arm’s reach. She still exerted some self-control though because she wasn’t sure how Tiffany would feel if she did what she had done that night.

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