Part 10

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"So where have you been?" Sunny sat down in front of Tiffany.

"A hello would be nice, you know" she said without looking up from her plate. She then saw a tray being placed next to her plate, making her look up to see Sooyoung sitting down. "Hiya, Bucky." She grinned.

Sooyoung only stared at Tiffany. "What?"

"Where were you, Fany?" Sunny asked again.

"Who's Bucky?" Sooyoung asked her friends.

"Did you go out on another impromptu date with Taeyeon?" Sunny kept addressing Tiffany, ignoring her tall friend.

"Hey! Who's Bucky?"

"It's you" answered Sunny. "Now be quiet!"

"Me? Why me? What does it mean?"

"Google 'Chewbacca' from Star Wars" Tiffany told Sooyoung with a snicker. She then looked at Sunny. "You know that I wasn't feeling well."

"That was on Saturday. What about Sunday? And yesterday too, for that matter."

"I was down with a fever."

Sunny raised her eyebrows. "Are you okay now?"

Tiffany nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me? I could've dropped by."

"I'm fine." Tiffany put another forkful of food into her mouth.


They jumped when they heard Sooyoung's shout.

"What is this?!" Sooyoung showed Tiffany her phone, displaying the tall hairy creature from Star Wars.

"That's you according to Soonkyu there. She even gave you a cute nickname: Bucky" Tiffany explained.

"You evil little Mini-me!" Sooyoung glared at Sunny.

"I'm not a mini you. We'll fight it out later, Buck. Right now there's a more urgent matter in hand." Sunny waved the angry Sooyoung off. She kept her eyes on Tiffany. "So you were sick for days but didn't even make a sound? No tweets, no texts, no whining?"

Tiffany kept eating.

Sunny leaned forward. "You were with her, weren't you?" She lowered her voice.

Tiffany shrugged.

"She took care of you?" Sooyoung asked - eyebrows raised in surprise.

Tiffany opened her mouth, about to answer, but her eyes had caught sight of the person walking inside the cafeteria. She closed her mouth and smiled instead.

Sunny and Sooyoung turned their heads. They saw Taeyeon and immediately understood why Tiffany's expression changed drastically.

"Hey" Taeyeon greeted Tiffany. She stopped to stand next to Tiffany's chair then smiled at the other girls.

"Hey. You remember Sunny, right?"

Taeyeon nodded. "Nice to meet you again."

"You too" answered Sunny.

"And this is Sooyoung."

Sooyoung stood up and extended her hand.

Taeyeon shook it. "I'm Taeyeon."

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