Part 6

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"So what's the emergency?" Sooyoung asked, throwing her bag on Tiffany's chair before taking a seat on the bed. She saw the huge lump under the blanket. "What the heck is she doing?"

Sunny shrugged. "She's been like this since she let me in." She closed Tiffany's room door then went to sit next to Sooyoung. "Hey, Syoung's here." She hit what she thought was Tiffany's knee. "Talk."

The lump under the blanket moved a little. "Something happened last night."

"What did she say?" Sooyoung asked.

"I only heard 'last night'," answered Sunny. "Yah! Come on! I have class in an hour!" She hit her camouflaged friend again. "What's going on? Did something happen last night?"

"I thought she was having dinner with Taeyeon last night?" Sooyoung asked Sunny.

"I thought so too."

She heaved a sigh, slowly pulling the blanket down but kept her face hidden behind her long hair.

"What is this? A cheap version of Sadako? It's still spring, Fany. Halloween's still far away" Sunny remarked. She raised her eyebrows, unsure of what to think about her best friend's behavior.

"Something happened last night" she meekly said.

The two friends waited for more.

"Yah! Hurry!" Sunny finally lost her patience. "What happened?"

"Taeyeon..." She took one more deep breath. "Taeyeon w-was here."



Sooyoung frowned. "This is seriously frustrating. So she was here, so what?"

"I know right?" Sunny shook her head. "The way she's behaving, it's like they did something here last night."

The two friends laughed out loud.

"Ooh! Time to go baby carriage shopping then, Soonkyu!"

"Probably need a pink one."

They snickered.

She slipped back under the blanket, wishing that it were an invisibility cloak instead.

When Tiffany didn't come out of hiding, Sooyoung and Sunny's laugh started to fade.

"Fany?" Sunny's tone was now serious. "What happened here last night with Taeyeon?" She was afraid that something bad had happened and they had been unknowingly heartlessly making fun of their friend's pain or something.

She grimaced, bracing herself to face her friends. She took a deep breath, pulling her head out but her face remained half covered with the blanket. "S-she kissed me."

Sooyoung clapped her hands excitedly. "WHOO! Now that's progress! So how was it? Was it better than kissing a boy? What's the difference? Was she good? Was there any tongue involved?" She then snickered.

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