Part 3

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Tiffany sighed again, propping her sleepy head on her hand. She had stopped listening to the babbling Shikshin a long time ago.

"Yah!" A ruler hit the mattress, making her jump.

She jerked. "Yah!" She grabbed the ruler, pulling it out of her friend's hand.

"Pay attention!"

"I did!"

"You weren't listening!"

"I was too!"

"Then repeat what I said last!"

"Err... that I should memorize these rules and make sure not to forget them during the date?" She took a wild guess.

Sooyoung blinked. "How the heck..." Her friend had guessed right. "Lucky guess!"

"I was listening!"

"Then repeat the rules" said Sunny calmly. She was - as always - busy with her game.

She rolled her eyes. "Not you too?"

"I don't think you should memorize them for the date but they're good to know. Most are quite valid" Sunny spoke again. "So kindly repeat at least some of them."

Tiffany sighed. "This is just some article you found through Google. It's not even scientifically proven or anything so how is this going to help my love life?" She asked Sooyoung.

"You mean your non-existent love life?" Sooyoung corrected Tiffany.

"It's about to come into existence, okay?!" She protested. She thought about the impending date and unconsciously gulped. As much as she liked thinking about Taeyeon, she had never been out on a date with a girl before - a date that she had initiated, no less. "Fine. You're right. I need help."

"Finally!" Sooyoung raised her hands towards the ceiling while looking up. "An epiphany!"

"Her name's Tiffany" Sunny stated somewhat absentmindedly since her eyes were still on her phone.

"I said 'epiphany' not 'Tiffany', you English-disabled shorty!" Sooyoung slapped Sunny's hand.

"YAH! MY COMBO!" Sunny then cursed. She threw her phone on the mattress and sulked, crossing her arms. "I must never play anything near you two. Such inconsiderate friends."

"You're the one who's inconsiderate" countered Sooyoung. "Today's goal is to brief Fany and prepare her for her date! Not breaking your personal record in popping cartoon animal heads! A considerate friend helps!"

Sunny rolled her eyes, fighting the urge to stuff that large sketchbook into Sooyoung's equally large mouth. "You don't even give me hearts anymore since I beat your score, you sore loser stingy bottomless pit" she muttered under her breath. "Fine. Fany, go over it again." She turned her head and saw Tiffany staring at the pillow on her lap with slightly pink cheeks and a dazed look on her face. She shook her head, grabbed the discarded ruler and lightly tapped Tiffany's cheek with it. "Earth to suddenly-gay Fany."

"Huh? Yah!" She slapped the ruler away.

"Focus, please. You can daydream about your underage-looking crush after we're gone, okay?"

"She's not underage!"

"She looks underage" Sooyoung agreed with Sunny.

"She's just baby-faced! It's cute!" Tiffany argued then immediately regretted what she had said when she saw the grins on her best friend's faces. She lifted the pillow to cover her now completely red face.

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