Part 4

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Tiffany increased her pace, running faster towards the coffee shop while carefully balancing the small plastic cup she was holding in her hand. She literally burst through the door, making several heads turn in the process. If the first 15 minutes really mattered that much then she had just ruined any chance of getting to know Taeyeon because she was exactly 15 minutes late.

She looked around the crowded area, searching for the person she hoped hadn't left. She felt stupid for not asking for Taeyeon's number. If she had, she could've called her and told her that she was unexpectedly running late.

"Please be here... please be here... please be here... please be he-..."


She gasped out loud while jumping in place.

"Whoa! Sorry. Did I surprise you?"

She turned around and saw her standing behind her with that same cute smile she couldn't seem to stop staring at. "I-it's fine. I'm sorry I'm late. I had to do something first and it took longer than I thought."

"No worries. You're just 15 minutes late."

They grew quiet, suddenly feeling shy again.

"Err... let's find a table." She finally managed to gather enough courage to say something.


She turned around and searched for an empty table. She then sat down, placing the small cup on the table.

Taeyeon pulled out the chair and sat down across from Tiffany. She saw the plastic cup, raised her eyebrows but said nothing because she didn't want to be nosy.

"Um..." Tiffany saw her looking at the cup so she pushed it forward. "This is for you actually."

"Huh?" Taeyeon didn't fail to notice the pink cheeks. "What's this?" She took the cup and looked through the transparent lid. She laughed when she saw the chocolate pudding. "Thank you but why?"

"It's to replace the one you had to give me two weeks ago." She blushed, keeping her eyes on the wooden table.

"That's very kind of you but I gave it up voluntarily, without expecting anything in return."

"I know but I thought I should let you know that I appreciate the gesture."

Taeyeon smiled. "Thanks for being so thoughtful."

She blushed harder.

"I'll have it for dessert" Taeyeon said as she carefully set the plastic cup aside as if it was the only chocolate pudding left in the world.

Another pause.

"Um... shall we order then?" She dared herself to look at her.


Tiffany raised her hand, trying to get one of the waiters' attention. She started frowning when the waiters kept ignoring her even after she said 'Excuse me' multiple times.

Taeyeon noticed the growing frustration. She turned her head and saw one of the waiters going to a table not too far from theirs and stood up to approach the young man.

She watched Taeyeon say something to the waiter who then bowed before rushing away.

Taeyeon returned to her seat quietly and the waiter appeared a few seconds later with menus in his hands.

"I'm sorry for the delay" apologized the waiter. "Can I take your order?" He whipped out a small notepad and pen.

"Do you want to order now or later?" Taeyeon asked Tiffany kindly.

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