Part 11

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I hate books!” Yoona closed the thick book in front of her roughly.

None of the other three reacted. They were used to this.

“Let’s go get ice cream!”

Taeyeon’s head moved. “Now?”

“No. Next year. Of course now, Unnie!” Yoona rolled her eyes.

“Let me finish this first” said Juhyun – eyes still on her book.

“Then you take her” said Taeyeon. She had gone back to typing her assignment.

“You’re not coming with us?” Yoona asked, moving to sit next to Taeyeon.

“I have to finish this first.”

“She has a date in a few hours” Jessica finally opened her mouth.

“With Tiffany unnie?!”

“No, with your grandmother. Of course with Tiffany!” This time it was Taeyeon who rolled her eyes.

“So many dates, so many weeks and still nothing nada zip zero zilch.” Yoona then shook her head while clucking her tongue.

“What do you mean nothing nada zip zero zilch?” Taeyeon finally turned her head, away from her laptop screen. “We’re doing fine!”

“And yet you’re technically still single.”

“I have to agree with Yoong on this one” said Jessica.

“Me too” Juhyun quipped.

“What? I’m just waiting, okay? One month rule, remember?” protested Taeyeon. “Besides, we kinda got off at the speedy side so I want to make sure that she knows that I’m not just after… that.”

“After what? Her panties?” Yoona snickered.


“Unnie!” Juhyun looked up from her book, glaring at Yoona. Her face was scrunched up in disapproval.

“What?! I’m merely stating facts! Taeyeon unnie got into those panties pretty fast. No?” Yoona then laughed out loud.

Taeyeon turned around and gave the laughing girl a hard knock on the head.


“You little dirty minded-…”

“I was just saying! You’re the one who actually did it” said Yoona. She still had one hand on her head.

Taeyeon sighed then went back to typing to hide her pink cheeks.

“It’s quite amazing to see you not losing self control since” said Jessica, still in her flat tone. She then looked at Taeyeon. “What’s your secret? The emergency hormone brake?”

“Shut up.”

“Ooh! What is this emergency hormone brake?” Yoona was trying with all her might to not go back to studying. She’d talk about the carpet if she had to.

“Go back to your books, Yoong” ordered Taeyeon.

“Not until you tell me that your emergency hormone brake is.”

“Ask Sica.”

Yoona looked at Jessica.

“Her mother.”

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