Part 2

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A week had gone by since the unexpected cafeteria meeting. She was still feeling down but she had now entered the blaming-yourself phase. She shouldn't have had a crush on some random girl who happened to be nice to her nor should she expect such a pretty girl to be available. She should have asked the girl's name since the first time they met because maybe she would have gotten to know her before she started to have a crush on her thereby preventing said crush and the minor heartbreak that followed - or she should've at least asked around.

She had seen the girl around campus but she kept her distance, avoiding her at all cost because there were also times when she saw her talking and laughing with that pretty girl she had started to quietly mutter 'Avada Kedavra' at.

If there was to be a silver lining in all this then it was only that she managed to finish all her assignments long before they were due. She had pushed herself into full study mode to forget about that girl and the-brown-haired-girl-that-must-never-be-named.

It was on one tiring Thursday afternoon when she heard irregular rushing footsteps behind her as she left the library. Tiffany knew who it was because there was only one person she knew that couldn't run properly.

"Fany! Good news!"

"What is it, Syoung-ah?" She didn't even have to turn her head to look.

Sooyoung was catching her breath while excitedly flinging her arms. "That... girl!" She panted. "Your... girl."

"There is no 'my girl'," she answered flatly.

Sooyoung ignored the reply. "I just... overheard her! In... the toilet!"

"You listen to people doing their business or something?" She finally turned her head, looking at her friend while scrunching her nose in disgust.

"What?! Of course not! That's disgusting!" Sooyoung had finally started to breathe more normally.

"Then why were you eavesdropping?"

"I wasn't eavesdropping! I was in the stall and I heard her talking to someone." Sooyoung paused for dramatic effect. A smug grin started to form on her face. Slowly. She even added a little playful raise of her eyebrows.

She rolled her eyes. "I don't have time for this." She quickened her steps.

"Yah! Don't make me run again!"

"Can't run, can't swim... what can you do anyway?" She muttered under her breath.

"I heard that." Sooyoung pulled her friend's arm to stop her. "Just listen to me, will ya?"

"Then get to the point, will ya? I'm hungry and tired. I wanna go back to my room and sleep." She yanked her arm free.

"She's not seeing anyone." Sooyoung grinned like she had just told Einstein that E=MC2. She folded her arms and tilted her chin up, resuming her smug pose.

"Stop looking so pompous." She fought the urge to slap her friend. "You don't even know whether she was really the person you overheard." She wanted to hope, she could feel that her heart was screaming for her to hope, but she controlled herself. One disappointment a week was enough.

"There was no one else there!"

"You were in the stall. Unless you do your business with the door open, I don't see how you can be sure that it was her."

"Eww!" Sooyoung grimaced. "You're so disgusting today!"

Tiffany shook her head and started walking again.

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