Part 12

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Tiffany looked out the window, admiring the crowded Tokyo night scene. It was yet another thing that she had never done before but suddenly got to do – a recurring theme in the past few months since she met Taeyeon.

“You okay?”

She heard the voice then felt the warm hand on top of her own. She turned her head and smiled. “Yeah. I’m okay.”

Taeyeon smiled back. “Okay then. We’ll get there soon. It’s actually pretty close by.” She didn’t remove her hand though.

Tiffany nodded, looking out the window again.

She was admiring the looming Tokyo Tower when she realized that the huge metal structure kept growing bigger in size. Before she knew it, the car had parked right in front of the giant tower.

“Let’s go.” Taeyeon finally took her hand off Tiffany’s and opened her door after thanking the driver.

Tiffany slowly stepped out of the car, still looking up at the glowing tower.

“You’re not afraid of heights, right?”

She suddenly heard the voice. She turned her head and saw Taeyeon’s worried face. She smiled, hoping to reassure her. “Nope.”

“Whew. Good.” Taeyeon took hold of Tiffany’s hand and started pulling. “Let’s go then. I’m hungry.”

They went up the elevators to the main observatory.

Taeyeon never let go of Tiffany’s hand, guiding her out of the elevator and into a small café. She greeted the waitress and said something in Japanese that Tiffany didn’t understand.

She found herself sitting at a small table for two next to the window a minute later. She looked down at the city below and couldn’t help but exhale. It was beautiful.

“You like it?”

She heard Taeyeon ask and nodded. “I do.”

“Good.” Taeyeon was relieved. “Now let’s get some food.”

Tiffany browsed through the menu, ordered a sandwich and ice coffee and sat there quietly. She wasn’t able to take her eyes off the view below.

Taeyeon propped her head and also looked down, loving the view. But her eyes kept being pulled towards the girl sitting right across from her. It was a view she considered a lot more beautiful than what was outside the tower window.

Tiffany finally felt the eyes on her. She turned her head and saw Taeyeon staring at her with a small smile on her face. The look Taeyeon was giving her made her feel shy. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Just enjoying the view” answered Taeyeon.

She blushed. “Look away, Kim Taeyeon.”

Taeyeon shook her head. “I don’t want to.”

Their drinks came.

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