Part 8

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"Whoa?! She took you there?!"


"That's quite romantic."

"And expensive." She stretched, feeling lazy and a bit under the weather that Saturday morning. "I wish she'd start letting me pay."

"Don't worry. She can afford it."

"I'd be happy with just a bowl of ddeokbokki from a street vendor, you know."

"I know but having money won't hurt."

"Well, that's true."

"So is the rumor true?"

"What rumor?"

"That silver Mercedes... it's hers, isn't it?"


"Awesome! Man! That car rocks!"

She chuckled. "Go back to playing your Anipang."

"I've given up. I can't beat my own personal high score." Sunny sighed dramatically. "Sometimes I'm just too good for my own good."

She rolled her eyes. "You got lucky, Soonkyu."

"Whatever. Anyway, I'm off to get ready. Need to pick up Bucky. We're going on a double date today."

"Bucky?" She frowned, not recognizing the name.

"Yeah. Bucky, our Chewbacca."

Tiffany laughed out loud. "She is going to kill you when she finds out."

"She can't kill me. Her only advantage is length. She's weak" said Sunny. "Besides, it fits! Tall, hairy, huge mouth..."

She laughed again.

"Glad to hear that you're in a good mood. I take it that the date went really well, huh?"

"Kinda..." She suddenly felt shy.

"Oh don't play shy on me, Miyoung. Are you going to call her?"

"Well, she had invested a lot of money in our dates, you know. It would be rude not to call her."

Sunny rolled her eyes and clucked her tongue. "You're smitten."

"I'm not!"

"You are. But it's a good thing. I like seeing you this happy." Sunny paused. "So when are you going to call her?"

"Err... the rules said that there's no exact waiting period right?" She grinned.

"In other words, right after I hang up?"



"Bye, Soonkyu. Tell Bucky I said hi." She laughed again anretched one more time. Her muscles strangely felt a bit sore. I should've brought a jacket last night, she thought as she let out a huff.

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