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It was a nice, sunny day in the Cookie Kingdom. A lot of cookies were wandering around while some were working to grow the kingdom's food. Some were even socializing with each other and GingerBrave couldn't help but smile at how peaceful life is in the kingdom. He watched as Carrot Cookie worked in the fields and Purple Yam Cookie angrily shouted over a jug of milk he accidentally spilled. GingerBrave turned his head and saw Mint Choco Cookie playing his violin, entertaining the other cookies as they clapped as soon as he finished performing. He even spotted Cherry Blossom Cookie having another picnic with her sister, Cherry Cookie, who was running around with cherry bombs in her hands.

GingerBrave took a deep breath and sighed before suddenly feeling a presence behind him. He turned around and saw Strawberry Cookie offering him some boba tea. As his smile grew wider, he took the cup of boba tea from her and thanked her before the other cookie sat beside him on the bench to sip at her respective boba drink. Before GingerBrave could take a sip of his drink, however, a shadow loomed over him. He and Strawberry Cookie looked up and saw the Bear Jelly Balloon over the kingdom. Excited, he jumped from the bench and ran straight for the landing deck as the strawberry-scented cookie followed him.

As soon as the two made it to the landing deck, they were met by Wizard Cookie, Chili Pepper Cookie, and Custard Cookie III, who arrived before them. The five watched as the Bear Jelly Balloon finally landed, but they frowned when only one cookie stepped out: Knight Cookie. As Knight Cookie fell to his knees, the five other cookies became frantic and ran to his aid. GingerBrave gave the knight a closer look and saw scrapes and scratches on his armor and face.

"Knight Cookie, what happened? Where are the others?" GingerBrave asked as he watched the knight stand up to grab him by the shoulders.

"We're in grave danger!" Knight Cookie shouted. "There's a monster in the forest and it devoured my team! Eclair Cookie, Tea Knight Cookie, Ninja Cookie, even-"

"Hey, slow down!" Wizard Cookie yelled, getting his attention. "Let's all calm down so we can talk about this and think of a solution-"

Suddenly, a scream was heard from far away. With wide blue eyes, GingerBrave pulled out his candy cane and ran from the landing deck. Meanwhile, the others followed him, running until they were at the front of the kingdom. Many cookies were frantically running around while ten cookies were closing the gates. Once they were locked, something from the other side began slamming repeatedly on the gates. With a glare, GingerBrave readied his candy cane as Strawberry Cookie pulled her lollipop from her backpack and Wizard Cookie's staff began to glow. Chili Pepper Cookie smirked as she pulled out both her knives while Knight Cookie prepared his sword for battle.

All of a sudden, everything went quiet for a brief second. Raising an eyebrow, GingerBrave began to approach the gates before they were burst open with brute force. The abrupt breakage of the gates caused a gust of air that picked up dust and caused the group to shield their eyes. When the dust finally went away, they all looked up to find the one responsible for destroying the gates.

Walking into the Cookie Kingdom was a giant brown Sugar Golem. However, this one was uncannily different from the ones GingerBrave and his friends encountered in the past. This Sugar Golem was rapidly twitching and its eyes were dark and oozing a strange thick black substance that glittered purple in the sun's light.

"Ah! How did a Sugar Golem find this place?!" Custard Cookie III exclaimed, holding his scepter tightly.

"And what is that stuff leaking out of it?!" Strawberry Cookie asked with wide eyes. "Syrup? Jam?"

"I don't know," GingerBrave said as he maintained his glare on the Sugar Golem. "But whatever it is, it can't be good! We have to lure it out of the Cookie Kingdom before someone gets hurt!"

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