Road Rage Rescue

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"Edgerunners?" Jesse raised an eyebrow as he and the others walked.

"Yeah, that's what we are. High-tech mercenaries from the black market here in Night City," David replied. "We're also known as cyberpunks."

Jesse and the others are going to the warehouse Maine spoke about last night. On the way, David explained everything as he had promised. Much to Jesse's shock, Maine and his edgerunner crew spend their days fighting other street gangs, stealing information from corpos, and many affairs revolving around the black market.

"These guys are basically criminals, but they're the best choice we have at the moment," Jay whispered to Jesse.

"Yeah, we've been finding refugees quickly because of them," Lilac agreed. "In fact, we found a lot stranded in this city."

"Where are they now? I refugees, I mean." GingerBrave asked. 

"They're currently stayin' at Aldo's warehouse," Lucy replied. "Your friends told us they intend to take them to Planet Specter once we've gathered them all."

"Yeah, but we don't have a functional cube at the moment, so that's delayed for the time being," Kai sighed.

"Right..." Jesse said with a sigh.

Soon enough, the group of nine finally made it to the warehouse. Upon arrival, David knocked on the door, only for someone on the other side to open the door and point a pink and green gun at his head. In response, Jesse, GingerBrave, Kai, Jay, Zane, Lilac, and Rainbow let out yelps of surprise. But then, they all calmed down when they realized Rebecca had answered the door.

"Oh, you guys are here! Finally!" Rebecca exclaimed.

"You really need to stop doing that!" Jay said with a scoff. "One of these days, one of us is gonna attack you and I bet it's gonna be me!"

"Hey, how am I supposed to know you're not some bloodthirsty psycho on my doorstep?" Rebecca retorted.

"Oh, I don't know! Maybe go to the door and ask who's there LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!"

"Jay, Becca, can you two squabble another time? It's too early!" Rainbow chimed in.

"Rainbow is right, we cannot argue at a time like this. It will waste our time," Zane agreed.

"But she-" Jay paused for a second before he sighed and said, "Actually, you're right. We have work to do..."

With that, the group followed Rebecca into the warehouse. Inside, refugees were either walking around, eating food, or hanging around with friends and loved ones. In one area, a black-haired boy and a blond one with a pink flower in his hair were napping in the corner with a white blanket draped over their shoulders. There was even a small round table occupied by a family that consisted of two blue cats, two pink rabbits, and an orange fish with legs. Jesse even spotted a pink-haired girl with red horns sitting in a chair eating a lollipop. As he stared at her, the girl turned to find him and with a smile, she waved at him and he did the same in response.

But soon enough, the group was finally able to meet up with Maine, Pilar, Kiwi, and Dorio in a different room of the warehouse. Once they were seated around a rectangular table, Maine asked, "Everyone ready?" As a reply, everyone else nodded. "Alright, here's the deal." He stood up and tapped on a round blue device that stood at the center of the table. Then, a whole map of the city appeared above them, and on it were white dots, presumably others who escaped their respective dimensions and are now stranded in Night City.

"I see you guys used a Map Maker and scanned the whole city," Jesse said with crossed arms.

"I had to drive them around so they could get a complete map of the city," David explained.

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