Old Friends and a Break

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Just as he promised, Jesse explained everything that was happening to David. He informed him about the Black Mass and how it had been attacking other dimensions and infecting each world's inhabitants. Jesse even told him that GingerBrave is one such victim of the Black Mass. As the green-eyed boy explained, David nodded at everything he was told. At this point, he was starting to believe everything Jesse said. It confirmed everything he had heard from the five outsiders he mentioned to him.

Right now, the three were currently riding a transit, or as David calls it, an NCART. Over there, Jesse had just finished explaining the multiverse's current dilemma.

"So, it's true? This Black Mass you keep discussin' is causin' chaos across the multiverse, huh?" David said with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah." Jesse leaned into his seat. "So we, the Pillers of the Multiverse Protection Service, brought it upon ourselves to stop this monster and find a way to seal it away and save everyone."

"And how long have you and the MPS been doing this?" he asked. "Help out the people of other dimensions, I mean."

"According to the queen of Planet Specter, we've been doing this for five years. A lot of the jobs we get are just rescue missions. Also, there was one time when a group of volunteers was called over to a pineapple in an underwater dimension just to capture a butterfly. But this is currently the biggest mission we have since the World Collision."

"Nova!" David exclaimed.

Meanwhile, GingerBrave was looking out the window when he turned to David and asked, "Hey, David? What happened up there?" He pointed through the glass.

Jesse and David turned to what the cookie was looking at, only to find a burning building that was being approached by a hovercar. On said hovercar was a red logo that read Trauma Team.

With a tongue click, the teen said, "Just another day in the life of everyone in Night City."

"Wait, you people deal with things like this all the time?" GingerBrave's blue eyes grew wide.

"Yeah. All of us have grown numb to it at some point. Pay no mind to it, choom." David patted the cookie's shoulder.

In response, GingerBrave looked down with a hum before turning himself around and sitting back down.

"Hey, David, about your partner, what's she like?" Jesse asked, getting the former's attention.

Before David could reply, the trio felt the NCART slow down, meaning they were finally at their stop. Once the NCART stopped completely and opened its doors, passengers, including Jesse, GingerBrave, and David, began walking out. Upon leaving the train, David was able to answer Jesse's question.

"Her name's Lucy. She's a netrunner, which means she has access to the Net. She can look for systems to hack into and even search for any useful info to sell."

"In other words, she's a hacker?" The green-eyed boy raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. I admit I've seen her around Night City before, but I didn't get to meet her in person until that day."

"That day?" Jesse repeated.

"I was ridin' on an NCART headin' to Corpo Plaza, but I realized Lucy was on the same NCART as me. She was stealin' shards from corpos."

"Corpos?" GingerBrave said.

"People who work for big corporations. They're always dressed in suits," David explained.


"Yeah. Anyway, as I was sayin', Lucy was stealin' from corpos and even tried stealin' from me. But I was able to stop her and I grabbed her arm."

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