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With their task of visiting Doc completed, Jesse, GingerBrave, David, and SMG4 were now chilling on a nearby bridge, where they have stayed for hours. While there, they watched in silence as cars drove beneath them one by one. It was like watching ants march in a single-file line. Jesse even heard the sound of sirens from below the bridge, but all he could do was shrug it off, knowing it was another day in Night City.

"Hey, Jesse?" SMG4 said, getting the brunette's attention.

"Yeah?" Jesse replied.

"Thank you for finding me..." SMG4 paused for a brief second. "...and getting me out of that shop."

"You're welcome. Honestly, SMG4, GingerBrave and I were looking for you everywhere."

"It's true," David chimed in. "They told me everythin' about what was goin' on."

"They did?" SMG4 raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. At first, I didn't believe it when a few others told me until I met Jesse and GingerBrave."

"And what are they doing with you?" the blue-clad man asked, raising an eyebrow.

"My leader needed their help because their friends wanted to find outsiders stranded here in Night City."

"Speaking of finding," GingerBrave said. "All that's left now is Kasane, wherever she may be."

"I'm sure we'll figure that out while we're still here," Jesse replied. "Still, we don't know how much time we have left until the Black Mass arrives. We gotta make it quick."

In response, GingerBrave and David nodded while SMG4 was trembling. It wasn't long until the teen turned to find the blue-clad man shaking in his boots.

"Ya good, choom?" David asked before he got kicked in the shin.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" SMG4 shouted, flailing his arms. "THAT CREEP KEPT CALLING ME THAT WHILE I WAS IN HIS SHOP! WHY DID HE CALL ME A CHOOM?! WHAT EVEN IS A CHOOM?!" As soon as he was done screaming, he took a deep breath and sighed. "I'm sorry. It's just the Black Mass took over my dimension and one of my friends is in its control and I got separated from my group."

"No, it's cool. I get it." Suddenly, David's eyes flashed yellow as he, Jesse, and GingerBrave heard Lucy's voice.

"Hey, where you three at? We have another meeting."

"We're on our way," David replied as his eyes went back to normal.

"Another meeting, huh? Must be important," Jesse remarked.

"Let's head back. Don't wanna keep the others waitin', now do we?"

With that, Jesse, GingerBrave, and David returned to the warehouse with SMG4 following them. After a long walk, they finally made it back to their location. Upon entering the warehouse, it had more refugees than when the trio first left it. Jesse spotted a group of five rabbids running around with plungers and spatulas in their hands. There was also a blond boy wearing a headband and an orange jumpsuit sitting next to a fish in brown trousers whose right leg was in a cast. Jesse even found an anthropomorphic sheep with a monotone face sitting alone at a table.

However, Jesse, GingerBrave, David, and SMG4 couldn't stay to admire the crowd, so they continued to the meeting room. As soon as the four made it, everyone they knew was there and they all wore grins on their faces.

"Welcome back, you three," Maine said as he noticed SMG4. "I see you found another one."

"Hi." SMG4 gave a short wave.

"What did we miss?" Jesse asked.

"We got ourselves good news, choomba!" Rebecca exclaimed as she turned to look at Jay. "Yo, Blue, turn the map on, would ya?"

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