The Robot Needs Help

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"Hey, let me go!" Rebecca shouted at the top of her lungs, flailing her legs as she did. Unfortunately, the flying object holding her by the arms, which happens to be a white robot with metal wings, a syringe-like tail, and silver hair topped with a headband with five yellow lights and a cap wearing a gray coat, didn't release her. Instead, it looked down at her with a sharp-toothed smile and a yellow X on its visor. Upon seeing its face, Rebecca stopped squirming as she felt chills down her spine. But as it looked away, the green-haired woman sneered at him and said, "Fine! Have it your way!"

All of a sudden, Rebecca yelped as the robot swooped downward.


On the ground, Jay's car sped on the road, passing by any vehicle that was in its way. As Jay drove, Jesse, GingerBrave, and Lucy had their eyes on the yellow light in the sky.

"Can't you drive any faster?!" Lucy said, turning to look at the blue ninja.

"What do you think I'm trying to do?!" Jay retorted, stepping on the gas.

Meanwhile, Jesse's eyes went wide as he watched the yellow light in the sky fly down. "Guys, that light is landing!"

Jay and Lucy looked up at what the brunette was looking at.

"Hey, he's right!" Lucy exclaimed. "Jay, can you locate Rebecca?"

"Ugh, fine!" Jay tapped on the map on his dashboard.

"Wait, we can track each other?" GingerBrave asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It was my idea. Since the others and I met Maine and his crew, we put trackers on each other. That way, we know where one or the other is in this city," the blue ninja explained.

"Why didn't you tell us, then?" Jesse asked, tearing his attention away from the sky.

"You guys never asked!"

Suddenly, the map on Jay's dashboard beeped, and the four looked down to examine it. On the map was a red trail that zigzagged through the city to a big, green dot that appeared to be in an alleyway. Moving inches away from the green dot was a small, yellow one, and it moved fast.

"That yellow dot must be David!" GingerBrave said, pointing at the map.

"He must have beaten us to it," Lucy said before he turned to look at Jay. "Jay, you know what to do."

Jay stepped on the gas pedal with a nod, and the car sped through the road, following the trail on his dashboard. As he did, any car he abruptly drove past honked at him, and he was even forced to crash through a whole line of inactive vehicles, some of them rolling onto their backs. When he did so, Jesse and GingerBrave were left shocked by what the blue ninja did. When Jay took a glimpse at them, all he did was scoff.

"Look, Night City is a no-holds-barred place, alright? Also, I just want to get this over with," Jay said as he turned back to the road.

After a long while of driving, the four finally made it to their destination: an alleyway, as expected. Once Jay, Jesse, Lucy, and GingerBrave exited the car, they found David lying face-first on the ground.

"David!" Lucy yelled as she and the others ran up to him. Going on one knee, she turned him over, revealing his exhausted face and bleeding nose.

"What's happening to him?!" GingerBrave exclaimed.

"He overused the Sandy," Lucy replied as she slung one of David's arms over her shoulder. "I'll take him into the car. You guys get Rebecca back."

While Jesse and GingerBrave nodded at the pastel-haired woman, Jay groaned and uttered, "Fine..." As Lucy carried David to the car, the three suddenly heard three gunshots from the alleyway and Rebecca yelling, "Back off, you freak!" The boys nodded at each other before Jesse pulled out his sword, GingerBrave took out his candy cane, and Jay readied his nunchucks for battle. The trio carefully approached the alleyway and peered into it to see what was going on. Rebecca had an angry expression on her face as she pointed one of her guns at the source of the yellow light: the winged robot that was slowly creeping up to her with sharp claws out.

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