Chapter 1

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Veronica Hitchcock was excited for her trip to France.It was a senior year trip sort of thing, she had just finished packing her suitcase around 4 minutes ago and now she sat on her bed lost in her train of thoughts.

"Veronica!" A voice shouted from down the hallway, that voice was Veronicas twin brother, Billy Hitchcock.She rolled her eyes and stood up from her bed and made her way to her brother.

She had found him in the bathroom, it looked like he had just finished brushing his teeth for the night.

"What's up Billy?" She asked in annoyance, just wanting to get to bed so she could get enough sleep for tomorrow.

Billy jumped from the voice of his sister and he quickly turned around and grinned. "Veronica! Hey I was just wondering if Mom bought us some snacks for the plane?" He asked keeping his bright smile.

Veronica scoffed and rubbed her forehead. "Seriously? I don't know it's literally 10pm can I just get to bed you can ask Mom when she comes home." She replied, rolling her eyes.

Billy nodded and turned back to the sink, whilst Veronica made her way back into her room.When she got in her bedroom she smiled and collapsed onto the bed quickly falling fast asleep.

It was not long until she heard the phone go off though, the sound what felt like a hundred kids screaming at once.Veronica's eyes slowly cracked up as she groaned.Throwing her hand around to find the telephone, when she finally found it she picked it up and put it to her ear.

"Hello?" She spoke, her voice raspy as she had just woken up.

"Veronica ! Hey it's Clear." The girl said through the phone who so happened to be Clear Rivers.Clear was Veronica's best-friend since forever.They were inseparable.

Veronica squinted her eyes and sat up rubbing the excess sleep from her eyelids. "Clear? Is something wrong it's literally about 3 in the morning why are ringing me?" Veronica asked, curiously.

"Sorry about that, I didn't actually realise the time." Clear laughed. "But anyways I just wondering if you're all packed for tomorrow, got movies and snacks for the plane?"

Veronica laughed, shaking her head. "Yes I have both, movies and food don't you worry.You excited?" She asked as she also turned her bedside lamp on.

"I mean I guess, you?" Clear replied.

"Yes! So excited I've always wanted to go to France it's very... what's the word? Pretty.. I suppose., although I am not excited for the seven hour flight." Veronica squealed.

Clear stifled a laugh, "I see where you're coming from.Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow okay? I'm gonna try get some sleep."

Veronica yawned and hummed, "Yeah alright.Night Clear." She answered before hanging up the phone and falling right back to sleep.

-Time skip-
"Passport check,purse check,Food check," Veronica listed, a huge grin growing on her face as she slid her coat on.

"Do you really have to do 'check' when you are listing things, it's really annoying." Billy claimed as he walked up to her, squinting his eyebrows.

Veronica scoffed and playfully shoved Billy. "Fuck off Billy." She laughed.She grabbed her suitcase and made her way downstairs into the kitchen, picking up her bottle of water.

Billy followed behind her and sighed, "You ready?" He asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Veronica smiled.

Billy and Veronica finally made it too the airport, spotting all their other classmates who just got there, Veronica climbed out the car and grabbed her suitcase but as soon as she did she dropped it on her feet "Ouch!" She exclaimed, going to grab it until a hand stopped her.

She recognised the face to be her classmate, Alex Browning.He picked up her suitcase and handed it over to her. "Thanks" she muttered, putting a strand of her hair behind her ears. He simply replied with. "You're welcome." And walked off to his friends, Tod Wagner and George Wagner.

Veronica glared at Alex with interest,she wondered how a person like him could be friends with a person like Tod.They were both so different yet so the same.Veronica was knocked out of her gaze when someone suddenly fell on the ground,

"Carter you dick!" Billy shouted, standing back up on the floor clearly trying to forget what happened.

Billy was right Carter was a dick, him and his girlfriend 'Terry Chaney' walked out laughing in front of us.Veronica  know what their problem was but it felt like they had done something wrong to them before as they constantly pick on her  brother.

Veronica  heard a familiar voice behind her and turned around to see Clear right there, "Hey!" She exclaimed.

"Hi, you alright?" Clear  replied brushing her hands through a brunette locks, Veronica nodded and  they both walked into the airport.

Veronica and Clear were stood besides each-over on the escalator, Clear was reading a book named,Henry Miller.Some people may view this as Clear being ignorant but this was normal for Veronica and Clear.

"Y'know I don't think anything could look worse than my yearbook photo."someone said behind Veronica.She turned around and saw the same three boys again: Alex,Tod and George.

"How'd you think I feel when I have to look at you all the time ?" George sarcasticly replied, Veronica let out a quiet laugh, shaking her head.

When they got too the top of the escalator one of the senior classes French teachers, Larry manou started speaking French.

"What the fucks he want?" Carter broke out, looking over at Terry, furrowing his eyebrows.

Everyone stood in silence not having a clue of what Mr Manuo just said, he stood there hands in the air waiting for someone to translate.

"The airport does not endorse solicitors." Veronica translated, she felt everyone's eyes suddenly glue to her, she looked over at Clear who was still reading her book.

"Thank you that is correct." Mr Munau replied.He then continued speaking French and commanded us all to follow him.

After the students had their baggage checked and passports they all had to wait in the waiting room until they could board the plane.Veronica walked up the stairs and saw Clear sat in a seat so she decided to walk over towards her, before she was able too though she bumped into someone causing all of her things to fall out of her hand.

"Fuck! God I am so sorry!" She gasped, reaching to pick all of her things what she had just dropped on the floor. When she got back up she made eye contact with the person she walked in too, it was Alex.

"It's fine, don't worry about it." Alex shrugged, helping her pick her items up.

Their hands brushed eachovers when Alex was giving Veronica her stuff back, she smiled and walked over toward Clear.

"You are the most clumsiest person I've ever met." Clear laughed, finally putting her book down into her bag.

Veronica sarcasticly glared at her. "That was so embarrassing, that's the third time I've bumped into someone this week!" She groaned, facepalming herself.

"You and your brother are very similar." Clear remarked, a soft laugh escaping her mouth.

"Many people have said."Veronica replied, opening her bag to grab her bottle of water.

Clear was about to say something before the tannoy interrupted her,
"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your patience, at this moment in time we would like too begin pre-boarding the volee flight 180 to paris, through gate 46."

Veronica rolled her eyes and stood up grabbing her possessions, "We better best going." Veronica claimed looking at Clear who was also now standing up.

Clear nodded smiling, "You're right, it's now or never."

[1291 words] :)

I know this was pretty boring but it's the first chapter it's a whatever

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