Chapter 4

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The next day, Veronica had decided to go home earlier than she usually did because of what happened last night, she needed to know how she knew something bad was going to happen, although she didn't know what was going happen or who it was going to happen too she felt like she a connection, a bad feeling.Clear just said it was a coincidence but Veronica knew it was more than this.

Veronica loved her house.It was similar to Clear's in a way, same front garden and the same layout.Another thing Veronica loved to do is paint, she always painted what she was feeling and right now she was painting in her front garden.

Until she heard a twig snap, she turned to see Alex in her front garden walking towards her. "Nearly the end of summer." She spoke, taking off her apron and placing it down on the table.

"It's only the end of June." Alex stated, approaching her.

"Yes it may be but everything always in transition as Clear told me if you focus now you can almost feel autumn coming." Veronica replied. "Y'know like being able to see the future."

Alex stood there, bewildered.He raised his eyebrows and questioned, "Why were you and Clear at Tod's house last night?"

Veronica's smile dropped she didn't want to answer him so she didn't, she walked into her garage, Alex following close behind her.

"Me and Clear have watched enough Tv to know that the FBI don't investigate teen suicide Alex." Veronica stated.

"If they were there last night it either means, 1. They still don't have a clue what caused the crash, 2.They haven't figured out anything and the fact that eight people got off the plane, is weird enough and the fact that one of those people had a vision, or whatever it was what you had, of the plane blowing up moments before it actually did explode is very suspicious." She continued, now looking at Alex. "Also, it doesn't help that the visionaries best friend just committed suicide."

Alex would not stop looking at her,
"But why were you there last night?" He repeated.Veronica rolled her eyes and yet again avoided the question, going into one of the cupboards and picking out a painting she painted.

She placed the canvas on the middle table. "Do you know what this is?" She questioned, picking her nails.

Alex tilted his head slightly and bit his bottom lip. "It's a painting?" He answered, unsurely.

Veronica sighed, "It's the explosion, and to some extent, you." She stated, tracing her hands down the painting. "Its how you make me feel."

Alex stared deeply at the painting. "I'm sorry."

Veronica shook her head." No don't be, it symbolises confusion, the painting doesn't know what or why it is, from the outside it's a mess just a bunch of colours mixed and splashed onto it but it means way more than that.Creating an absolute but incomprehensible attraction." She explained.Alex's eyes drifted from the painting to her.

"Alex for like four years of highschool we haven't said a single word too eachover I was just the loner who sat at the back of the classroom who no one knew even existed.But at the airport I felt this feeling, as if something bad was going to happen.At that moment on the plane I felt what you felt I didn't even know where these feelings were coming from until you started panicking!" Veronica explained, her voice raising a little.

Alex glanced at her, his eyebrows furrowing. "I didn't see what you saw Alex! I felt it!" She concluded, not daring to break eye contact with the boy who was stood in front of her.

"I know you can still feel it, something from that day is stalking  you, haunting you.I know because I can still feel you! Like last night I knew something bad was going to happen so I followed this feeling, it led me to you.And you were at Tod'd house.That's why I was there last night!" Veronica claimed, Alex now broke the eye-contact, looking down on the floor, sighing heavily.

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