Chapter 5

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The same question floated through Veronica's mind, repeating itself over and over.

"Was she going to die?"

She sat anxiously in the front room of her house watching Tv.Although, she wasn't really watching it as she got lost in her questions.Veronica never really thought about death this way she used too think, 'when it was your time, it was your time' she never thought of death as a living organism.But now she thought different, all thanks to her and Alex's stupid idea to sneak into the morgue dragging Clear with them.

Billy speedily walked into the room not releasing his sister was sat on the sofa, staring into space.He questionably walked in front of the girl,waving his hand in-front of her delicate face.

"Veronica? You alright?" He asked her, sitting beside her.Veronica blinked and turned towards her twin.She sighed and lent back in her seat.

"Of course!" She responsed, a hint of sarcasm hidden in her tone, the truth was, Veronica didn't know how she felt herself.

Billy huffed, staying quiet for a moment, analysing his sisters body language. "Look, you haven't been the same ever since that night.And I know how it feels Ronica, and I'm sorry.But you have to speak to us, it's like you've been blocking us all out, me, mom, dad.We're all here for you." He reassured, now sitting in the same position as Veronica.

Veronica didn't move, her facial expression stayed the same: her lips still as concrete and her dull aura.She didn't even turn to look at him. "I know." Was all Veronica managed to speak out.

"Please speak to us Veronica.I'm your brother." Billy whispered, barely opening his lips.He felt sorrow for Veronica, he cared for her she was the best sister anyone could possibly ask for.

Veronica bleakly moved to look at her brother, a tiny smile forming on her face. "It's just, I feel like I should have died on that plane. Why is it fair that all those people died and I lived?" She rhetorically questioned, not really hoping for an answer.

"Veronica, it's completely normal to get survivors guilt, you obviously survived for a reason, all those people would be so proud of you." He replied, comfortingly rubbing her shoulder.

Veronica looked down and barely muttered. "Thank you." Pulling her brother into a loving hug.Billy smiled and accepted the hug.

"Oh by the way Alex rang, I don't know why though." Billy added, breaking the hug and standing up.

"He did?" Veronica asked, shooting up from the sofa.

"Yeah? I didn't know you two were friends.Odd pair." Billy chuckled.

Veronica scoffed, rolling her eyes. "We're not friends. We're just urmm working together for a project."

Billy then went back upstairs leaving Veronica by herself again.Until she heard the doorbell ring.She groaned and made her way to the door, opening it to see Alex standing in front of her.

"Alex?" She said, surprised.She moved away so he could walk into the house.

"Urmm hi, I did ring to warn you I was coming over but you didn't answer so.." Alex greeted, walking into the house.His eyes glanced around the home, looking at all the baby photos of Billy and Veronica.He slightly chuckled, making Veronica realise what he was staring at.

She quickly stood in front of the photos. "Hey! Don't look at those!" She scolded, embarrassed.

"So would you like a tea? Coffee?" Veronica offered, walking towards the kitchen but Alex grabbed her sleeve, stopping her.

"Actually, I came to ask you if you wanted to go grab a coffee."

The duo was now sitting outside a cafe, waiting for Clear to arrive.Alex said he wanted to talk about yesterday.

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