Chapter 6

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"I always wanted to be a writer when I was younger." Veronica announced, on the phone to Alex.Sighing, she walked over to the tap getting some water.

"Oh yeah?" Alex asked.Coincidentally, also getting some water for himself.

Veronica smiled, humming. "Yeah.I don't anymore, I have no clue what I want to do after highschool." She replied.

"I mean you've got plenty of time Ronnie, so I wouldn't worry about it." Alex claimed, rocking on his chair in his room.

Veronica scoffed at the nickname Alex had given her, taking a sip of her water. "Ronnie?"

"Yeah? Short for Veronica."

Veronica grinned, scratching the back of her neck.It had been about two days since the bus had collided with Terry Chaney leaving everyone on the scene traumatised.But Alex and Veronica had nightly phone calls just talking about themselves.

"Well I know that's it's short for Veronica, but why?" She replied, not knowing why Alex gave her a nickname.

"I don't know." He replied truthfully.He really didn't know why he nicknamed her but she didn't even mind.She liked it.She thought it was cute.

"Alex? Can I just ask you a question?" Veronica questioned.Her palms started to go sweaty, bouncing her leg slightly.

"Yeah, you can ask me anything." Alex replied, shaking his head, furrowing his eyebrows.Wondering what the girl wanted to ask him.

Veronica sighed. "Urm do you ever get dreams.Of that day?"She started.Alex knew exactly what she was on about, he leaned in listening to her.

"I keep waking up everynight because I had a dream or whatever it is about the plane, Alex.It's like I can't escape it, it keeps haunting me.The innocent people who died, Jesus they did not deserve that, it should have been me, and then Tod and Terry, god it's like I've been cursed." Veronica choked out, her voice trembling as her eyes filled up with water.

"Hey, listen to me Veronica.This is not your fault! Okay? Do not blame yourself for this.And it should not have been you, okay?" Alex comforted, listening to the girl very carefully making sure he doesn't say anything to make her feel worse.

Rain started to rapidly ricochet down from the sky, pounding onto the ground.As wind aggressively blew throughout the skeleton-like trees.Causing Alex to sigh, closing his curtains.

Veronica noticed that a storm was brewing, biting inside her cheek, her lip quivered as small tears slowly fell down her puffy cheeks.

"God I'm sorry Alex, I shouldn't have really poured all that onto you.It's just that sometimes I get guilt from surviving.I know that I shouldn't I should be erratic and grateful that I survived but I feel this empty hole inside of my chest." She sniffled, bringing her legs up to her chest.

"Don't apologise, it's fine, i get what you are feeling it's normal." Alex answered, sympathetically.

Veronica's cheeks lit up. "Thank you Alex, I'm sorry, again."

The next day Alex was sat on his sofa, watching Tv, not having an absolute idea what he was watching, his father then walked in phone in his hand.

"It's Veronica, again.She's been calling you all day.You wanna talk to her?" He asked, offering the phone to Alex.

Alex had been ignoring Veronica the whole day, not because he didn't want to speak to her but because of what she had told him last night over the phone.He wanted her to have a day to herself without any stress.But it wasn't going well as it was now 9pm and she was still calling him.

Alex didn't respond to his dad, his eyes stayed fixed on the TV in front of him as he swallowed down.His father sighed and put the phone to his ear.

"Veronica, he's in the shower can I get him to call you back?" He put down the phone after her goodbyes and sat down on the chair next to Alex.

"She's concerned about you, I'm concerned about you.Why won't you talk to her?" He asked, looking at his son.

Alex turned towards his father and sighed, "Dad, you and Mom have been a real help.But there's something I need to understand before I can talk.To anyone, I'm I'm not speaking to Ronnie because she needs time to herself."

Veronica had just put the phone down, after talking to Alex's father who was talking bullshit.She knew he wasn't in the shower, just like all the other lies he made up the 25 times she called.She rolled her eyes, tying her hair up quickly and throwing her coat on.If Alex wasn't answering her calls then she would just have to go to his house herself.

She knew something was off, she felt it, nothing like what happened with Tod or Terry but a feeling of accomplishment.She rushed out the house, making her way over to Alex's.

When she had gotten there she knocked on the door, taking a breath in, waiting for the door to open.

Alex opened the door, perplexed. "Veronica? What are you doing here?" He asked, staring at the girl.

"You didn't answer my calls." She replied, not daring to break eyecontact.

Alex grabbed the girls hand and pulled her inside, "I'm not even gonna bother asking, just go upstairs and wait for me inside my room I need to tell you something, do you want anything to drink?"

Veronica nodded, walking up three steps until she turned around. "Wait which ones your room, also I want coffee two sugars." She questioned.

"Last room straight forward in the hallway." He replied, making his way over to his kitchen to make the coffees.

Five minutes later, Alex walked into the room shutting the door behind him and placing the cups of coffees on his desk.Veronica picked hers up and took a sip.

"So? What did you need to tell me?" She asked, putting down the cup.

Alex pulled out a sheet with all their names on, their seats what they sat on the plane. "It's the path of the explosion." He claimed. "First was Tod, then Terry." He continued, tracing his fingers down the paper.Veronica examined the paper and looked back up at Alex in shock."They died in the order they wouldve have." Alex finished, gawking up at Veronica.

"That's deaths design!" She whispered to herself, Alex nodded, in horror, both of them reaching to point  towards the person who was supposedly next, their hands brushed one another's.Veronica's cheeks heated up as she pulled back her hand, swiftly.Alex was now pointing at Ms lewtons name.

"Ms lewtons next!" Alex softly spoke, Veronica sat there, her breathing hitched and Hallow, as she kept staring at Alex.She knew they had to do something about it.

[1111 words]
LMAO THIS IS SUCH A FILLER 💀 it's literally 12 am i can't do this rn

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