Chapter 10

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Alex's pov:
I walked through the cramped hallways filled with teens rushing to get to their lessons in time.As it was my first day of Highschool I had no clue where anything was.I had no friends and no one to help with directions.

But my first priority was finding my locker; I had no idea where it was.God I never thought finding my locker would be this hard.

"Need any help?" I turned around and saw a boy standing there.Around my age: Amber-brown eyes, messy chestnut hair and sharp eyebrows.

"What?" I replied, facing him.He let out a laugh.

"I said, do you need any help?" He repeated.I glared down at my own feet, sighing.

"Kind of" I shrugged, "I don't know where my locker is, and that's where my timetable is.Do you know where it is?" I asked, giving him the locker number, which was written on a piece of scrap eyebrows.The boy lifted his eyebrows examining the number.

Smiling, he nodded."That's right next to mine!" He exclaimed. "The names Tod by the way, I'm also a freshman, lucky for me though my brother pretty much gave me a tour of the school." Tod explained, holding his hand out, I shook his hand and laughed.

"Alex.So can you show me where where my locker is?" I questioned, Tod nodded, walking away I walked besides him.

When we got to our lockers, I glanced at it and smiled.Jesus I never thought I could have a locker this big.I typed in my combination code in the lock, opening the locker.

Tod looked at my timetable and smiled. "Hey! We have the same lessons!" He exclaimed.

A small smile grew on my face, as I ripped the timetable off of the locker shoving it in my pocket then picking up the books I needed. "You have French first?" I asked him.Tod nodded.

"With Ms lewton? Yeah, we should get going before we got told off." He replied. I nodded as we both started to walk to our lesson.

I never actually thought making friends at highschool would be easy, especially since that none of my friends from middle school came here, thanks mom and Dad for deciding to move over the summer, but hopefully me and Tod will become friends.

"Here we are, Ms lewton's French class.You ready?" Tod asked as we both stood outside the door waiting for eachothers approval to walk in.

Sighing, I slowly nodded. "Yep." I mumbled, popping the 'P'.Tod grabbed onto the door handle swiftly turning it, the door flew open.All eyes then glued to the two of us, I didn't realise we were late.

"What time do you call this boys?" The teacher questioned us both, supposedly 'Ms lewton'.

"Sorry, we got lost." I explained, we slowly entered the room, my eyes examined the room stopping when I saw a girl at the back corner.She was gorgeous.Her hair was a dusky brunette, stopping just below her shoulders, it was pinned up in a half up half down, but plaits replacing a simple ponytail style.Her eyes were a beautiful shade of blue, they were like sapphires sparkling like the summer sun on a warm pool.Her skin looked like paper: She was pale, very pale.She was reading a book, ignoring everything what was happening in the classroom at the moment in time.

Tod shoved my shoulder, I snapped out my daze staring at him, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. "Alex!"

"Huh?" I asked, confused.Ms Lewton and Tod were both staring at me like they were expecting me to answer a question.

Tod snickered, holding his finger to his mouth.Ms lewton raised her eyebrows. "I'll repeat myself Mr Browning, I said that you two can take a seat at the front." She insisted, pointing at the seats.

Me and Tod looked at eachother.Tod looked as if he was about to start laughing.I nodded my head, walking towards the seat glancing back at the enchanting girl at the back one more time, she looked up from her book and smiled at me, before I sat in my seat.

Tod smirked whilst he sat beside me. "Jesus dude, you were really out for a while." He whispered, slipping into the seat next to mine.

Ms lewton, glared at us."Boy's silence!" She commanded, pressing her lips together.

She walked over to the front, glaring at the class.Tucking her charcoal coloured hair behind her ears. "Right!" She sighed. "Where was I before these boys cared to join us." She continued in a flat tone, clapping her hands together.

"So, my name is Ms lewton and I will be teaching you French! I am pleased to be able to teach you.Sometimes you may have Mr Murnau but you are my class initially." She finished.

After a full hour of learning some words I'll never actually use in life the bell finally rang, alarming us all that we can leave our lessons.I stood up from my seat, turning to Tod who was still Packing up.

"Hey dude, wait up!" He exclaimed, rushing to pack his equipment.Well I guess we're friends now.

I noticed the girl walking out the classroom, her books laying in her arms and her backpack on her back.

"That's Veronica Hitchcock!" He explained, making me snap out my gaze to turn towards him. "I've known her for years! We went to the same middle school and elementary.She's a very introverted person, no chance buddy, she only had one friend.Clear Rivers." He Continued packing my back, walking out the door.

I stayed where I was, sighing. "You coming or what?" Tod asked, turning around.I nodded walking towards him.

We both walked through the hallway, approaching our lockers.Until, I felt a body walk into to me, falling onto the floor.I looked down and saw the girl I was eyeing up in lesson.Veronica Hitchcock.I knelt down and tried to help her pick up the books she had dropped.

"God I'm so so sorry! I promise that was an accident I don't just go running onto random people." She apologised, standing up.Her voice was smooth and high pitched.I smiled and shook my head.

"It's fine, I'm sure it wasn't on purpose." I replied, handing her some of her books what I managed to pick up. She smiled and continued walking to where she was going to in first place.

I watched whilst she was walking away, Tod looked at me and started laughing. "Jesus man! You like her!"

I playfully smacked Tod's shoulder, narrowing my eyes. "No! No! I just think she's interesting." I denied.

"Okay whatever you say dude!" Tod replied sarcastically, as we both walked to our next lesson.

[1111 words]
Not really a fan of this chapter but Alex was whipped from the start I'm telling you.

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