chapter 8

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"Excuse me?" Clear exclaimed, moving away from Veronica, towards the television stand.

Veronica reluctantly opened her mouth to say something but was stopped by Clear scoffing. "Veronica? How do you know she's dead?" She asked, yet again.

Veronica's face paled; her legs quivered, as she slowly stepped fowards. "I- I can't really explain it, Clear."

Clear shook her head." So you are just excepting me to believe you? Did you see it happen? Like Alex." She questioned, moving a stand of her coffee brown hair behind her ears.

"No! No, I don't expect you to believe me and I didn't see it but Alex was there." Veronica replied.Clear furrowed her eyebrows."I know it sounds crazy, but it's almost as if I can feel what he's feeling."

Clear glanced sidewards, narrowing her eyes. "So, you just know what's going on? Did you know the plane was going to explode?" She inquired.

Veronica raised her eyebrows, biting her lip. "I didn't know it was gonna explode until Alex started freaking out! Throughout the airport I felt an uneasy feeling, I shook it off until Alex claimed the plane was going to blow up." She responded, mirroring Clears movement: crossing her arms.

Clear sighed, walking forwards. "You know what just forget it." She breathed out. "You sound crazy right now but because you're my best friend and my only friend I'll believe you." Clear shrugged.

A huge smile grew on Veronica's face, her crystal- blue eyes lighting up. "Really?" She asked.

"Yes really, now come here." Clear replied, opening her arms up for a hug, Veronica rushed over to her accepting her hug.

"Let's just go to sleep okay?" Clear smiled, Veronica nodded, the two walking up the stairs.

The next morning, the two girls got up and went downstairs for breakfast. Clear went over to the cupboard, pulling out a box of cereal.

"If I had a dollar for every time I ate these I'd be a millionaire." Clear chuckled, pouring the cereal and milk into the bowl.Veronica smiled, sitting down on of the seats.

"After I've finished eating this, I'm gonna go get changed and go home." Veronica nodded.

Clear hummed, "Yeah okay."

It was a few hours later,Veronica was now sat in her front room in her house, slouching on the couch.The sun was slowly starting to set: the midnight sky making an appearance.Veronica sighed, staring out the window, not really paying any attention.Until, Billy walked inside the room, grabbing her attention.

"Hey Veronica!" He greeted, walking towards her.Veronica smiled, waving at him, as she still stared outside the window observing the illuminating light in the sky, as if little faires stepped across the sky leaving their footprints.

"Clear called, she wants us all to meet her at the memorial." Billy announced, tapping his sisters shoulders, causing her to look back at him.

"Why?" She asked, Billy shrugged.Grabbing his coat, slipping it on.Veronica nodded, grabbing her things, walking  out the door.

She unlocked her car, climbing inside of it. "Hey! Do you want a lift?" She asked her brother, who was sat on his bike.

He shook his head, "No I'll be alright I'll see you there.Drive safely!" He exclaimed, riding off of the driveway.

Veronica sat there, bewildered. "Right, drive safely." She mumbled to herself as she started the engine, pressing down onto the accelerator pedal.

When she got there she saw:Clear, Carter and Billy all stood there, but no sign of Alex.Furrowing her eyebrows in confusion, she stood out of her car, walking towards the three.

"Where's Alex?" She asked, Carter scoffed, looking away.

"Of course that's the first thing you say." Carter mumbled, mockingly.Veronica side eyed him, rolling her eyes.

"That's why you are here, Veronica, to take us to Alex.You're the person who's most likely to find him." Clear explained, Veronica scoffed.

"Why do you wanna know where Alex is?" She asked, confused.

"Because he knows which one of us is next." Clear finished, Carter and Billy glanced at eachover.Whilst, Veronica was stood there stuffing her hands into her pockets.

The four had decided to take Carters car, Veronica awkwardly sat in the front staring outside the window.

"Urmm so drive the speed limit okay?" Billy advised, anxiously.Carter gave him a mocking stare. "Oh and don't pass on the right." Billy finished, tapping his seat.Veronica glanced at her brother in confusion.

"Billy wait a minute, I'm having a vision." Carter started, taking a long pause to look back at Billy in the backseat. "You're the next one man!"

Veronica rolled her eyes, "Shut up Carter."

Billy's breathing started to hitch, as his eyes widened. "Hey man why'd you say that?" Billy stated, in panic.

"Because if you say another word I'm gonna fucking kill you!" Carter replied, Clear looked at Veronica, slightly smiling.

Billy sat back further into his seat, nodding his head. "You didn't have to say that Y'know." Veronica claimed, snapping her head at Carter.

"Well blame your brother he's being fucking annoying." Carter scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Hey! Just leave him alone, can't you go five minutes without insulting someone, it's fucking exhausting!" Veronica hissed, moving to stare back out the window.Which was filled with raindrops.

Carter stomped  on the breaks, causing the three to shoot back. Veronica climbed out the car.Reading the sign saying, 'Jones beach state park.' She held onto the car door telling the three where Alex may be, "He can be anywhere from here to a mile down the road so you guys drive that way and we'll meet back round the middle." She announced, slamming the car door watching Carter drive off down the road.

Sighing, she walked under the barrier, towards the beach.She knew he was here.He had to be.Moving her way through the trees, she had finally made it to the beach.

She noticed Alex sat there by himself, staring into the night sky.She smiled and made her way over towards him.

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Oh my god I hate this chapter

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