Chapter 3

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"39 days have passed since we lost our 39 nine loved ones,friends and teachers."

Veronica sat in the back corner with Clear and Billy, she listened carefully to the speech whilst she put her hair behind her eyes.

"As each day passes, without a determining cause for the accident we ask ourselves why? Eclectics ask us, 'men no more know his own time then fish taken in a net or birds trapped in the snare, like these children caught in the snare time caught upon them." The principal stood at the front adding to his speech about the people that died that day.

"And so before we can heal, before we can escape the presence of death, and time.We must mourn and celebrate theirs, with this memorial."

Music then started to play and Veronica saw that Ms lewton, who was sat at the front with all the other teachers started to cry.Veronica frowned and sat further back in her seat.They then took off the blanket from the hidden gravestone, to reveal an eagle statue, engraved with everyone's name who died on flight 180, gasps and sobs were heard from all around.

Veronica felt eyes lingered on her, she looked in front of her and saw Alex staring at her.She made eye contact with him for a few seconds, slightly smiling and then he turned back around to his parents.She turned her head, looking at her brother, Billy who seemed uneasy she felt sorry for him, he was a nice kid, unlike most people in this school.

She then seemed to notice everyone starting to get up to pay their respects, so she clutched the white rose laid In her hands, standing up to make her way up to the front.

Veronica noticed that Alex was stood at the front on his own so she decided to walk up to him.

He turned around, furrowing his eyesbrows in confusion.
"Because of you I'm still here and alive, thank you, for saving my life." Veronica emphasised, handing him the white rose what was in her hand.Alex focused on her until a photographer came up and took a photo of them both.

Veronica smiled and walked away from the boy, making her way back too, Clear and Billy.

Veronica decided to stay over at Clears that night.Sighing, she fell onto the sofa getting ready to relax.

"What movie do you wanna watch?" Clear asked the girl,Veronica didn't move.She shrugged her shoulders laying her head back.

"Vera? You alright?" Clear questioned, moving closer to Veronica who was staring into space.Clear poked her shoulder slightly, making Veronica snap out of her gaze.

"Huh?" Veronica replied, having no idea of what Clear had just asked her as she was lost in her mind.

"I said, are you okay?" She repeated looking at Veronica in the eyes.

Veronica shook her head, looking down onto the ground, "I don't know, I feel like somethings going to happen, Clear.I feel the same way I did that night." She answered, unsure of how she felt herself. "I feel like I need to be somewhere, like it wants me to go a certain place?"

Clear sighed, "Then let's follow this 'feeling' that you have." She requested.

Veronica and Clear had been walking for 5 minutes until they heard sirens from around the corner, they both glanced at eachover and ran towards the sound, hiding behind a tree.

Outside this house there were: Ambulances, police cars and detectives.Veronica had recognised the house.It was Tod Wagners.

Clear must have figured out the same thing; she turned to to Veronica asking, "Isn't this Tod Wagners house?"

Veronica's questions were answered when she saw Alex rush too the house from around the corner.

Breathing heavily, he ran to the paramedics pleading them to tell him what happened. "What happened? Where's Tod?"

Veronica stepped from behind the tree showing herself slightly, "Alex!" She whispered. "Get out of here!" He glanced at her but then Tod's parents walked out of the house walking towards Alex.

Clear stood beside Veronica, "Come on." She pulled on Veronica's jacket. "We best go." She pointed out.Veronica nodded in agreement, as the two started to walk back to Clear's house, both wondering what the fuck had just happened.

[709 words]
Short chapter oops.
Anyways Clear and Veronica have such #friendshipgoals.

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