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It was not fun

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It was not fun.

Sure Bethany taught me briefly how to play Uno but what she had failed to tell me was that she was a little wizard. Somehow she had a comeback to every card and won. Every single damn time, and I lost.

God I was a sore loser.

We had stayed up through the night playing game after game and it was only when the light begin peaking up over the mountains did our bodies crash. I woke early around nine as I don't sleep a lot anymore but cherry was deep asleep until at least 4. Then after fuelling with food we went at it again, but this time she taught me some of her secrets and I managed to win a few games.

She liked the competition, I could tell by the glint in her emerald eyes.

Today we had spent the day apart, she told me she had to check in with her family and how sometimes she just needed some alone time once things began to overwhelm her. I understood and instead used the time to keep going through the paperwork I had brought with me.

Meetings with the boys took place morning and afternoon and it was good to catch up with them. I hated the feeling of missing out, I was there Coach so I should be damn well coaching them.

I turn in my bed and stare out the window towards the blank sky. The darkness is so consuming you wonder if anything is even there. Sometimes that's how I feel, is anything even there? Am I really here? Survivors guilt at its finest I suppose.

I huff seeing that once again my body is not prepared to sleep. My mind is wired, eyes alert as I constantly smell the air. It's fresh with the faintest scent of the burning wood that had crackled most of the day.

Growling in annoyance I flip the covers off my body and swing my legs around to the floor. It feels cold underneath my bare feet and as I stand in the bitter air in just some joggers I hate that I always run warm. Quietly I make my way down the stairs cautious not to wake or startle Bethany.

My lips twitch when I think of the first time I saw her. Toned legs, perky breasts. pink lips- god she was a dream. Totally and utterly captivating, I couldn't take my eyes off her even though inside I was screaming at myself to look away. It seems I'm to busy thing about her that I fail to see her small body right in front of me.

I blink to see if I've imagined it but she is still there, boiling the kettle. She turns only wearing a pearlescent silk nightdress that glimmers in the moon light like the sun does on the snow. I gulp watching as she finally realises I'm here.

"Quinn?" She squeaks as her body jumps in shock. "Gosh," She breaths placing a hand over her chest, "You need to stop scaring me please."

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