𝘋𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳 3𝘳𝘥

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Soft kisses move along my shoulder as I feel the weight of someone move over me

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Soft kisses move along my shoulder as I feel the weight of someone move over me.

I wait half asleep for any other movement and sigh in relief as not a moment later a blast of hot air settles over me. The fire.

I yawn, blinking open my eyes sleepily as I stretch reaching for my implant. Moments later static fills my ear until I can then hear Quinn murmuring to me about going back to sleep. I turn to face him as my chin comes to rest on the hand that is over his heart.

"What time is it?" I whisper, eyes still fluttering.


"You always wake up now, every night."

"I know." He nods. His voice is low and it might just be because he is tired but he seems sad, dejected. I shuffle up closer to his head, my hand moving to stroke his beard.

"Will you go back to sleep?"

He shakes his head, "No, I never do." Leaning his head up he kisses my lips softly, mumbling, "You should rest though." But I have other idea's. He moves to pull back but I follow, deepening the kiss until we both run out of air.

I move to sit up, the blanket falling down to my waist and watch the way his eyes run over me. I follow his gaze from my hair to my breasts and then it settles on my waist. "God, you're so fucking beautiful." He gruffs.

I smile unable to help my reaction to his words and even though I am warm from the fire his words set a fire inside me. I lean down meshing our lips together and move a leg over to straddle him. His hands automatically come up to hold my face, his tongue following the outline on my lips.

I trace his strong chest, feeling every single dip and curve of his muscles. I notice the skin on his chest is rough, scarred but I don't say anything. It's clear the tattoo's cover it up. I shuffle down slightly until I am on his cock, whimpering as I feel it hardening beneath me.

A moan escapes my lips as he grinds up into me and I follow his actions grinding down over his cock. The skin on skin contact feels amazing, he's so hot and heavy, so hard and my wetness allows me to move quicker.

I'm panting for air each time he pulls his lips from mine, barely having seconds before he reattaches them. I move my hands to rest on his chest, holding me up as my hips roll over him. The ball in the pit of my stomach tightens but I want him inside me so I pull away and ask, "You want to?"

He chuckles, "Yes, line me up sweet girl."

With blushing cheeks I do so, leaning forward on his chest so I can reach down for his cock. I gasp as his tongue swirls over my nipple briefly distracting me until I wrap my hand around him. I pump him a few times, not that he needs it if the sound of his groan is anything to go by.

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