𝘕𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳 30𝘵𝘩

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"Hi, John Greenwood

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"Hi, John Greenwood."

The man greets holding out a hand for us to shake. We stare blankly at him, confused and wondering if this is the same guy. The same guy that - "You signed to deny the rink?" I ask.

He looks surprised as he gentle retracts his hand. My eyes find Quinn stood just behind me brushing against my back, only he doesn't meet my eye. Instead he is staring down John.

"Yes. I - What does that have to do with your skiing lesson today? How do you even know about that?"

"Quinton Fox." Quinn gruffs holding out his hand now. I watch as John winces as they clasp hands, "I'm a NFL Coach and this is Bethany Russo from -"

"JJ Advertising." I greet.

"Oh." He responds, "Oh shit." Snorting with laughter he continues, "I didn't think they would actually send people in. Not after it's been denied so many times. I have to be honest with you guys, you're wasting your time." He throws his hands up as if wanting us to believe he was just being honest but it's bullshit. His eyes glint with warning, he wants us to leave.

"Our time or yours?" I quip back, narrowing my eyes slightly. Something about him is off. I catch Quinn's head swinging to look down at me and if I wasn't trying to appear serious I would laugh at the surprise on his face.

John huffs a laugh, "Sorry?"

"You heard me."

John's eyes flick to my cochlear and my annoyance rises. "I can also hear you." I inform him.

"Never said anything - was it Bethany?"

"Yes and you didn't have to."

He laughs again but I watch his body language. He shifts, eyes unsettled as he assesses his surroundings, looking for a way out. He's not leaving. "So you're an instructor? Are you ready to start?"

He frowns watching me for a moment before nodding, "Let me just get my skates." and walking off.

"Okay. What are you doing?" Quinn questions, gently gripping my shoulders to turn me to face him. I make sure John isn't able to hear, stepping closer to Quinn's chest I inhale his scent.

"Observing. Something I am very good at."

"I don't like the guy." He grumbles.

I raise an eyebrow.

"I don't want him teaching you. I don't trust him."

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