𝘋𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳 22𝘯𝘥

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I want this girl for life

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I want this girl for life.

I want to build a life with this woman.

She has a job in Canada, one that so far sounds amazing for her. I'm going to therapy even though it's the last thing I expected myself to do. I fucking hate it, but I'll admit it has helped me to see thing differently... from a different perspective, one that I haven't had before.

"Leave it up to me Mr Quinn," Adolf drawls over the phone, "I got this all under control."

"That's what worries me." I grunt turning to scan the ski hub that's in the process of being turned into a hockey arena. My eyes scan through everyone until I catch the flames of her red hair, my lips twitching up at the sight of her arguing with John... again.

"Hey!" Adolf calls sounding half offended, "Have I ever let you down?"

I sigh, "I don't think so."

"Well then, trust the love man."

I snort, "This is just really fucking important, everything has to be perfect."

"It will be. We all got your back Quinn." He reassures once more before we part ways. I shake my head, what was I thinking asking him for help?

"Look lady we are -"

"Don't lady me. I have a name and it's disrespectful of you to act like you don't know it." Bethany glares pointing a finger into Johns face. I suppress a chuckle as I make my way over. "Your not moving quick enough, Christmas is in a matter of days, why are you wasting time?"

His jaw clenches, "Well if someone had left when I warned you to this wouldn't have happened."

"Okay," She sighs nodding her head, "Your still butt hurt that I went over you. I understand Mr John, due to my compassionate nature I'll extend your time until," She drawls pulling my arm up to check the time on my watch, "hmm is 4 hours enough?"

He blinks at her.


"Fine." He bites out before turning and storming off in the direction of the other staff and builders. We watch as he starts barking orders at them and suddenly people are moving.

My hand finds her hair as I run my fingers through it, "Okay?" I check.

She pouts up at me, her fierce express faltering, "I feel so mean being so..."

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