𝘋𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳 7𝘵𝘩

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He is not here

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He is not here.

My eyes scan the empty airport as people from my flight disperse into the storm. The flight was horrible, turbulent and the seat belt sign was on the whole way. I tried to sleep, I'm pretty sure everyone did but the weather was violent.

I move towards some seats facing the door, my hand fumbling around in my coat pocket for my phone. It was running low again, the light from my phone dimming to try and conserve battery. He still hadn't replied to any of my messages, not one.

Did he even receive them? My mind thinks not as the storm rattles against the glass. Even still I sit in the chair and wait, maybe he is on his way? Maybe he is stuck in traffic or had to go a different way. Maybe he - I flinch as the lights from the airport shut off.

I can hear the generators whirling as they try to get the power back up and running, shouts from down the hall capture my attention as the staff panic. I try and keep calm, try and ignore the dark and instead press my phone to check the time.

It flashes on showing me I had been sat for over half an hour before abruptly turning off. "No, no, no." I mumble pressing down on the button. Shit, it's dead. A hand on my shoulder startles me and I jump up with a scream.

"I am sorry ma'am. Would you like me to take you to your cabin?"

Fear takes over, how does he know my cabin? But then I take a closer look, his manners, his hat, it's the guy who first greeted me in Switzerland. My eyes swing from him to his outstretched hand pointing towards a black car just outside.

"You were here to get someone?" I ask.

"Yes." He confirms. "They are stuck and won't be flying in anytime soon. I thought you might be waiting for someone but you have been here a while."

I breathe a sigh of relief, finally someone I know. My eyes water as I nod, "That would be nice, thank you."

With a tip of his hat, he grabs hold of my suitcase and begins to wheel it towards the doors. I pick up my coat quickly along with my phone, pressing it on with messaging Quinn on my mind. When it stays blank I pray he doesn't get my messages now and leave, it could be too dangerous for him.

I just hope he is okay, it feels weird to not have heard from him in so long. At least I had messaged my dad when I landed. I follow quickly seeing as the gentlemen I already putting my suitcase into the back seats. He holds onto his hat so it doesn't fly away but I completely misjudge how strong it is.

The moment I have stepped outside and away from the doors a gust of wind knocks me right off my feet. I topple over a squeak leaving my lips as I fall to the ground with a thud. Pain rockets through my head as it hits the ground, the force of the wind actually hurting my implant with the sound.

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