i. pretty, pretty petty

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:: i. | pretty, pretty petty

It was another day in Tree Hill, North Carolina and Ryland was just waking up at friend's house from a sleepover at Ashely's. Though they had to do some major convincing of her parents, it was all worth it in the end. They both had a long night, Ryland even more though. One, she had a test early this morning and two, she was still going through her breakup with Jake. It was still pretty fresh, last week ago fresh.

Her and him dated for a little over a year and then she assumes everything went downhill, but it really didn't. One day last week, he said they needed to talk so she went to his house after school. Him being the sweet boy that he is, let her down easy. He told her he had things he was going through and he didn't have time to maintain a relationship anymore. She understood but she still wished that he opened up to her about what was going on, maybe they could both work through it as a couple. She told him that too but he still said he needed to go about it alone. With Ryland, she promised herself to never be friends with her exes. So that's what she did with Jake, she swore him off.

Ryland stayed sitting up in bed with her head resting on the bed frame behind her. After ten minutes of watching her friend sleep, she finally glanced at the digital clock that read 8:00am. She placed her hand on Ashely's shoulder and shook her awake. But as usual, Ashely groaned and covered her head with the pillow. Ryland rolled her eyes and as she went and pinched Ashely's ass in retaliation for not getting up.

"Bitch." Ashely mumbled. She threw the pillow on the floor and then sat up next to Ryland.

"I have a test so please don't be slow." Ryland practically whispered. She was half asleep and in dying need of some coffee. Besides, anytime she's at Ashely's house or at her house, Ashely is always the last one out the door which is why she has to remind her friend to get a move on or they'll never get out the door on time.

Ashely groaned as she got out from under the covers and standing up. She made her way to the bathroom, leaving Ryland still in the bed as she exited her room. Soon enough after Ashely came back from the bathroom, Ryland then went. She brushed her teeth, her hair, light makeup and then went back into the bedroom as well.

She saw Ashely was just finishing getting ready, trying to get her pants over her ass. She then made her way to her bag that was on her side of the bed. Ryland bent down and unzipped her bag, pulling out a nice shirt and pair of pants.

The two girls were comfortable enough to change in front of each other, so Ryland had no shame in pulling off her clothes. Within the next fifteen minutes, the two were out the door as well as Chad and were all in one car. Chad drove himself to school while the girls went in ryland's car.

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