xvii. shock after shock

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::  xvii. | shock after shock

A woman screeching was coming from the tv. It was some kind of thriller movie the girls were watching. As in girls, there was Ryland, Ashely, Alexa, Haley, Brooke, Peyton, and Anna. It was a girls night at Haley's place and well, they just wanted to get to know Anna to see if she was good for the pack, minus all the drama with Peyton.

Just as the movie continues, the killer running after the girl —— Haley squealed a bit as she abruptly stood up.

"I forgot about the ice cream."

Alexa picked up the controller and paused the movie as Haley made her way to the kitchen, followed by Peyton and Brooke.

Haley pulled out some bowls, spoons, and then soon the vanilla ice cream. Eventually, everyone was sat around eating as they engaged in small talk. Ashely, Anna, Alexa, and Ryland sat near the couch while Brooke, Peyton, and Haley were near the counter —— all of them enjoying the ice cream.

As the spoon filled with ice cream met Haley's lips, a thought came to mind as she glanced towards Anna, "So, Felix came over here to use my shower because the shower at your house was broken?"

"Uh . . "

Brooke quickly nodded, "Yeah."

Haley's eyes shifted towards Brooke, "Huh."

"Brooke —— " Peyton intervened.

Brooke passed the blonde a look, basically telling her with her eyes to shut up.

Haley saw the interaction and began speculating some more, "Wait, you don't have a bed do you?" Then it clicked, "Did you —— ? God, please tell me you did not have sex in my bed, Brooke?"

"I'm already washing your sheets."

Ashely mumbled across the room, "Gross."

Everything began to unravel, Haley listed about three things Brooke was in the wrong for. Then Brooke did about the same, she mentioned a lie and Nathan. Then Peyton intervened again and Haley basically told her to shut up, which riled her up a bit.

As the cat fight began, Anna, Ashely, Ryland, and Alexa all sat on the sideline watching.

"You know, if we're talking about bad behavior, you might want to sit this one out."

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