1: At the Weasley's

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It is August 18th, 1994. Today starts match between Ireland and Belgium. I was so sleepy that day, that's why Hermione wasted 2 hours on waking me up.


Ginny laughed from the behind.

"o-okay.. I'm getting up! Can you just stop shaking me and screaming IN MY POOR EAR PLEASE?"

Hermione s expressions softened, and she whispered in my ear

"Harry had a bad dream.. "

"What?" I said, confused.

"He told me not to tell you about it.. "

"What was the dream about?" I asked.

"He didn't want to tell me." Said Hermione and went down without saying anything else.

I got up, dressed up quickly, used bathroom and went down to the kitchen. Everyone was there.

Molly, Arthur, Fred and George, Harry, Ron, Bill, Charlie and Percy were there.

Me and Ginny were last ones to arrive.
"good morning, Girls!"-said Molly with a warm smile. "come, sit here, eat some breakfast, I'm sure you're hungry!"

I sat next to Fred. He smiled at me and continued to eat. I blushed a little since I've never had any connection with Fred before (where only we are talking or doing something) , but I ignored it and started to search for Harry.

There he was, sitting in the other half of the table. He was looking nervous. I tried to catch his glance, but he completely ignored me. I felt bad and started to eat.

Food was delicious, I was eating like I hadn't eaten for eternity.

"hey, y/n.. y/n.. "In the middle of the breakfast, Fred whispered in my ear.

I blushed like crazy, like WHAT DID HE WANT NOW?

"what do you want, Weasley?" I tried to keep my sarcastic voice.

"So, what do you think, on who's side are you? Ireland or Belgium?"

Ugh, I was waiting for him to say something more important.

"none of them. I am okay with myself."

Fred softly chucked.

"Oh come on"

he continued to eat his sandwich. I was glancing at him without even realising that he was also glancing back at me. Then he suddenly said.

"Do you wanna taste it?"- he tried to give his sandwich to me, But I pulled his hand away and said
"ew, no, It's yours!"

"then what's the problem with it? Trust me it'll taste so much better"he whispered and smirked.

I was having annoyed, embrassed and blushing face, all together. Fred was looking at me, waiting for my answer, when Arthur stood up and said:

"It's time to go, kids! Take your bags, put your shoes on and get ready! Wait for me outside!"

We all took our bags, put our shoes on and went outside with Molly Weasley. She was warning us and weasley children to be careful and don't fight about silly things, as we usually do.

Sun hadn't even risen yet, it was as dark as night.

Soon Arthur came back with a very muggle-looking outfit, and kissed Molly on the cheek.

we said goodbye to Mrs. Weasley and started to walk away.


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