8: Hogwarts

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Train stopped slowly. We all holded into train walls not to fall. Cherry really wanted to go out. Poor owl, he was in isolation for days.

"Ugh, we should have stayed and come down later" Said Hermione.

"There's no other choice now. Get along with your fate, Mione" I told her and squeezed my hand on the very random thing I was holding on not to fall.

The train finally stopped. We got down after some minutes. We were out.

'Now goes the invisible stuff which carry you to the castle. Everything is so boring and same. I hope something new will happen this year.'

My thoughts got cut off by some noises. Everyone looked up.

Wait.. What was THAT?

We saw lots of white cabs flying in the sky. Cabs had horses..with wings! They were rapidly flying directly at us.

"Everybody move out of the way!" We heard Hagrid's yell. He held two sticks in his hands, moving them in upward and downward motion.

"What is that!?" Somebody shouted.

Large group of students followed the directions Hagrid pointed to by tilting his head while yelling to get out of the way. We stood there too and continued watching as the flying cabs got bigger and bigger.

"Set! Set!" Hagrid cried out again.

Cabs finally landed on the ground. We saw girls in blue uniforms coming down the cabs, they got followed by some boy, and extremely tall woman who looked to be their headmaster.

"It's another magic school, but it is for girls" somebody whispered beside us.

"Wait, I had no idea other magic schools existed!" Ginny yelped in excitement.

"I have read about it, it has to be the school of Beauxbaton!" Hermione claimed as her eyes lightened up. "There also is another school, and it's called Durms─

Hermione got cut off by the big sound of something crashing. It was coming from lake.

"I guess we have some new visitors "I mumbled.

We saw the huge tip of something, and this something soonly overcame the water. The enormous ship.

We heard lots of 'wows' and 'I swear to Merlin!-s' coming from Hogwarts students.

"Everyone! Get into the cabs and go to the castle! Lead Beauxbaton and Durmstrang guests to Hogwarts!" Shouted hagrid with a deep, demanding voice as the headmaster of Beauxbaton, extremely tall woman pointed to and talked to him about the flying horses.

I decided to get to know one of the Beauxbaton students. Suddenly, Just some wave of kindness hit me.

I went to the only Beauxbaton boy, he was standing alone. I gently patted on his shoulder. He looked back at me, kind of confused. His eyebrows went up when he saw me. He was actually gorgeous, tall and looked only a year above me. Several small moles on his face, and a good scent. Very bright brown hair that you could call blonde, and baby blue eyes.

"Hey!" I went closer to him.

"Oh, Hi" he mumbled as he smiled awkwardly.

"Welcome, I'm Y/n, mind if I make a mini tour for you at Hogwarts?" I asked him politely, without any hesitation.

"Oh-" The boy got cut off by some Beauxbaton ladies walking up to him. The blonde one threw her hand over his shoulder, she looked at him and looked back at me again. I gave boy a concerned look.

"Mikey, is tghis gighl boseghing you?" The one that looked like a leader asked him in the horrible French accent.

"No, no you can leave, she is very nice" the boy smiled at the girls. They gave me a suspicious look before they left.

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