9: The Party

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Durmstrang students mostly sat on Slytherin table. Well, seems like nobody likes Gryffindor and Hufflepuff.

"They were.. Cool" Ginny said to me and hermione.

"No they weren't" Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Did you see him!?" Ron squealed "It was BLOODY VIKTOR KRUM!"

"Wait, who?" I looked behind, and saw viktor Krum, sitting besides Zabini and Malfoy, already laughing with them.

"Oh god, I should ask Blaise to hook Ron up with him" I rolled my eyes at Ron. He glared and others laughed.

"Don't you want it, Ronnie?" Ginny asked him as she lightly brushed her hand on his arm, like she was a caring sister.

"Oh, shut up you all! Having a favourite player is not a thing to laugh about!" Mike said in a joking tone. Ron nodded at him thankfully. He added with a laugh "both Durmstrang and Bouxbaton students are so lame though, none of them chose Gryffindor, it's the best house here!"

"Yes it is!" Everyone cheered.

I was already full and sleepy, so, without even disturbing Harry (he was too busy with talking about the tournament and some mysterious things that will probably never happen), I went into my enormous dorm, took out everything out of my baggage and fell asleep with my clothes on, on the soft, soft bed.

The next day I woke up horribly. eyebags, red eyes, fuzzy hair and HORRIBLE breath.

How was I going to impress ANY male from school like that? My playgirl attitude couldn't deal with this. never, ever. I quickly managed to do simple make-up and put on neat and clean uniform. I lifted my skirt a little, as I always did. I proudly put on my Gryffindor enblem, and went downstairs with Ginny and Hermione.

"Morning, and I'm sorry, my morning voice sounds horrible" Ginny muttered with almost closed eyes.

"same" Hermione added.

"Wakey-wakey then, because those days are going to be special, we have OTHER SCHOOLS in OUR school" I said in a high tone. Ginny quickly opened her eyes in realization and fixed her skirt.

"Yeah, and Y'all have to look pretty!" Dean approached us with a tiny wink. Ginny playfully smacked him and he started running. Of course, she started chasing him.

"such a.. cute couple" Hermione said energetically.

I looked at her confused.

"How come you are so energetic this quick?" I asked suspiciously. I knew the answer before she said:

"just a simple spell, nothing else"


We entered the dining hall. Here they are. Handsome Durmstrangs, and Beauxbaton chicks.

My eyes automatically started searching for somebody. I didn't even realize I stopped walking and Hermione was way more far than me, when I felt something towering up me from the behind.

"Will you move, honey, or do I have to do it by myself?" Said somebody in a seductive, deep voice. I immediately recognized that voice.

Fred Weasley.

I swiftly turned around, only to see him, smiling mischievously.

"I am not your honey, Weasley." I said in a strict tone, trying to keep it stern.

"Alright then" He smirked and walked past me, with his new gang. He acted.. different.

And new gang? That sounded weird. All of those looks coming from those boys were so.. Dirty and unfamiliar. And I didn't even know any of them.

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