7: Platform 9¾

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After the most horrible days spent with Dursleys, it was time to go back. I got tons of letters from Hermione and Ginny, the twins and Ron were just sending me greetings from Ginny's letters.

For the first time while being with Dursleys, I slept calmly. I was going back tomorrow. I was going back to Hogwarts.. to home.

Next morning, sound of Cherry craving on the cave woke me up. He also seemed excited.

I sighed in excitement and stood up. It was time.

I quickly went to bathroom. Brushed my teeth and started doing my makeup.

Here it is. My bright red lipstick. You couldn't even see it. It was the only thing I used for makeup. Otherwise, I had very clear skin and beautiful face features.

I brushed my Mid-lenght hair carefully and went back in my room quickly. I put on my grey sweater, white socks and some jeans.


I didn't have my stuff prepared!

I quickly ran and threw everything I needed in my baggage. I took the cave and ran to the door, when it suddenly opened.

It was Dudley.


He quickly backed off when he saw the owl. Even Cherry didn't seem comfortable when Dudley was around.

Dudley tried to keep cool and slowly came a bit closer, before saying:

"I, I don't think you are going to go to that school, sweet y/n!"

"What?" I frowned sarcastically.

"I think you really need to stay here, because.. You know, you are not like that stupid Harry!"

"Oh, trust me, I WILL BE if you don't get out of MY way." I said angrily and rushed downstairs as Dudley quickly shifted his fat body on the other side and yelled at me:


Harry was already downstairs. At the seek of Harry, Cherry made a happy voice. I hugged him tightly.

"Damn, sleeping in that small room was horrible." He said and laughed.

"I know, because you smell like it." I kept back my shaky voice and transferred it into more playful one.

"Are you ready?" He asked me.

"Yes I am! Wait, let me put my shoes on and we can go!" I said excitedly.

I put on my converses and looked up at Harry. He grinned down at me and whispered happily:

"Such a pretty sister I have" his words warmed my heart and almost made me cry, but Mr. And Mrs. Dursleys came from the living room.

"Now, look at you, Y/n, you are looking so beautiful! But, wouldn't it be great for you to go to a.. Um, more, normal school and study there?" Petunia said with a fake sweet voice as she greeted me.

"I thing Petunia is right-" Mr. Dursley tried to add for more effect but I just cut him off.

"I think I'll be alright." I said in a strict tone.

Mrs. Dursley trembled a bit and rushed to the kitchen. She was holding sandwiches in her hands.

"Here, take this, so you won't be hungry! Who knows what your brother and human like him are making you eat there!"

"Oh, my sweet girl!" She hugged me tightly.

"Be careful and never trust this worthless wreck!" Mr. Dursley looked at Harry angrily, like he did something wrong. Dudley came from behind and waved at me. I simply ignored him and went outside.

Shut up ✮ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now