4: The skull

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Me and Fred were walking for a lot of time. I started to get nervous, Harry was nowhere to be seen. Soon Fred told me:

"Jump on my back, so you could see better"

He let me down, and I said to him:

"Freddie, you've been carrying me this whole time, and I feel much better now-"

"No y/n, you can't walk properly."

"Freddie, I promise I feel so much better now-"

"Just do what I said!" He told me and bent down.

I did what he said.

I felt his warm arms wrap around the back of my thighs.

After couple of minutes, he asked sarcastically:

"And, since when did you start calling me 'Freddie'?"

I almost choked on my breath from embarrassment. He didn't wait for my answer and continued:

"I'm the older one here, I am the one giving you nicknames, honey"

"Honey? Oh, really?" I managed to answer: "you won't be in the same mood when you play with me"

"In what?" He smirked.

"Quidditch, of course!! What else did you thought?" I was confused. I didn't get anything. But then I understood.

And I punched him hard in the shoulder, that's what he deserved.

"Hey! Why did I deserve this from you?!" Fred hushed.

"You know why!" I hushed back at him.

Suddenly, we heard something crashing in the sky, followed by the horrific sound spreading through the sky. We looked up, and saw a giant green skull.

"What the bloody hell is that?" Fred said under his breath.

"I- I think I know what that is.." I swallowed my breath.

I was always interested in the dark side of the Hogwarts library. That's why I knew many things about such stuff. I always regretted reading all those dark side of 'literature', but after some days, I still went to the shelfs and started to read again.


"It's the sign.. Of the death eaters.. When they finish their black work, they throw this sign at the sky with some special
spell.. "

Skull slowly opened his mouth, and let out a big snake.

"Harry and others should be somewhere here!"said Fred.

"If they're not dead.." I added. I could barely breathe.

George, Arthur and Ginny came running towards us.

"Did you see them?" George said and gave me and Fred 'the look.' If circumstances weren't that negative, I'm sure he would smirk.

"Y/n, what is wrong??" Ginny looked at me worriedly.

"Nothing, just tell your brother I'm alright. I can walk by myself already!" I murmured.

"Nah-uh, I said your not going anywhere." Said Fred.

"I think they should be somewhere there, be careful" Arthur told us and looked up in the sky.

"Death eaters.." He said furiously.

"Why are they here?" Ginny asked.

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