2: Let the match.. begin!

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After less than 5 minutes, We finally reached the camps. This place was cozy and nice, I got impressed very quickly.

However the place was too loud. I don't like loudness that much, but I like seeing people happy.

We said goodbye to Amos and Cedric. Cedric threw a very magical smile at me, and left with his dad. Again, he was so sweet..

Okay, back to the Weasleys' tent. Not gonna lie, it seemed quite small for that much people to fit in.

"Everyone get inside the tent and make sure you are comfortable!" Said Arthur after saying goodbye to Amos.

Everyone went in without any hesitation, me and Harry were the last ones to be outside.

I turned to him and said "are you.. Sure we're gonna fit in?"

"Maybe there will be some space for us" said him and slowly went in.

Okay, it's my turn. Dear god, save me!

And I took a step.


this place was like a house, it was ENORMOUS!! Harry whispered

"This is...magic" he looked back at me,smiled and went in some room with Ron. I took few more steps in excitement, and suddenly, Fred jumped from behind and yelled


I gasped and jumped back from scaredness.
And the worse is, I fell ALL OVER Fred!

Very romantic moment, right?


It was funny for Fred. He is so ridiculous!

He stopped laughing and looked deeply into my eyes. Gosh, I just realized how pretty eyes he has.. And hard abs... And a warm chest..

But it was no time for stupid "realizations". I quickly stood up and furiously yelled at him


He just smirked and said

"Oh, really?"

"Guess what.. No." I coldly answered and went into the kitchen to put my bag on the chair.

And I also realized.. George was watching ALL THIS.

He was looking at me with a wide smile.

"What?!" I said to him. I was very annoyed.

"Oh- nothing, nothing.. Absolutely nothing" he said while his face lightened up even more.

"Okay then.." I said confused, and started taking things from my bag.

Now I wanted some food, rest and then I planned on going out and wandering between the tents. I wanted to see some familiar faces.

I took out bread from my bag, then I took my wand and did simple movements.

Aandd.. Done! Now I had bread with jelly!

But I couldn't eat. Something was really wrong with me that day. I had this.. Bad feeling. Something bad was going to happen. I don't know why I was so sure.

Then I remembered.. Harry! I had to talk to him. After all, he's my brother! I have to take care of him, even if he was born 17 minutes earlier than me! He's older, but it doesn't mean I have to be the only one protected.

I quickly ate all my jelly-bread, and started searching for him.

Obviously, He was talking with Ron and Hermione in some room.

Shut up ✮ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now