6: Diagon Alley

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I woke up the next day. It was August 19th. Today we decided to go to the Diagon Alley, so we could be more ready and relaxed for next 10 days at home.

Weasleys offered us to stay at their house, but we really had to go back because for some reasons, uncle and aunt wanted to. Also, Hermione was going back too, So me and Harry didn't want to disturb them.

Weasley children begged us for the whole day, but we said that we would go together to the Diagon Alley, and then we could meet on the platform 9¾.

I was horrified of the fact that I had to meet Dursleys after weeks of not seeing them.

They somehow had so much better relationship with me, and they were always treating Harry dreadfully.

I had to suffer seeing him like that. When Dudley was yelling annoyingly, that I am his 'favorite girl', and while he gave me chocolates he stole and the presents he got from uncle and aunt, Harry was washing the dishes or fixing the lawn, or doing worse stuff a kid should not be doing.

I tried to stop them, but they simply said:

"My dear, you are not like him, There's no need to protect different people."

And Harry, he was being happy with the fact that I was happy.

And I was being sad because he was sad from deep inside..


There we were. Ms. Weasley's car was growling loudly. We all had our parchments with a list of what we had to buy.

"Now, get into the car, kids!" Molly said and leaded me into the car by patting on my shoulder.

I sat, and Hermione sat beside me. It was good I got the window seat, but suddenly, Fred opened the door and sat next to me.

"You'll have a better view now" he said, smirking.

"Oh, she sure will have" Hermione said, laughing.

"Come on" I mumbled as I shifted my hands on my thighs.

I noticed Fred looking down, and I looked at him. He quickly ran his hands through his hair and looked out of the window.

"Oh, Molly, I think I forgot my hat, please bring one for me" Arthur suddenly said.

"A hat?" Molly frowned. She was just about to get into the car. "What do you need a hat for that much?"

"I- it's just, umm.. Necessary for men.. You won't get it.." Mr. Weasley said nervously.

"I won't get it!?" She asked furiously.

"No, no you will, it's just a.. Umm, man thing!" Quickly added Mr. Weasley.

"Well, alright then, I will be back soon.." She said strictly.

We chuckled silently, as Arthur slowly widened the car with some secret button.

Now I was not that close to Fred, thank god.

But he still managed to crawl closer.

Soonly, Molly weasley came in with a weird shaped hat, and frowned before sitting on the car couch.

"Wait, why is this car so different from the car I saw minutes ago?"

"N-no, no it isn't" Arthur got nervous.

"No, why would it be!?" Fred asked from behind.

"You are so delusional, mom!" George added.

Others, including me, nodded in agreement.

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