11: The champions

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I looked around. I couldn't see Harry.

"Students, you need to leave the hall, It needs to get redesigned for the contestant announcement show!" We heard McGonagall yelling it continuously, until everyone left the hall.

We were in our dorm, but I did not stop walking back and forth, asking everyone about Harry.

"Ron, have you seen Harry?" I went up to him, he was eating fried chicken wings.

"Uuhh, wrrat? Wrasnt he in da barthoom?" He asked with his mouth full of food.

"Ugh, you're the bestest best friend ever" I rolled my eyes at him and went up to Hermione.

She instantly shook her head and didn't even look up from her homework.

"Why are all of you acting so weird?" I asked.

I went up to Ginny who already shaked her head when I asked her about Harry. I told her:

"Ginny, I'm going out in the hallways to look for that silly boy, so do not search for me"

"Oh, alright, want me to help you?" She asked.

"No, thanks, I'll go by myself"

I went to the portrait and got out.

It was unexpectedly cold and dark, I didn't really think about it since I was only wearing a skirt with thin leggings and a thin shirt.

I left my wand at the dorm and I couldn't even see anything properly, but I still didn't go back since I had to search for Harry and I was already far.

I walked and walked just to see no one, and soon I realized..

I was lost.

Yes, and that's not so unbelievable.

At Hogwarts, in the deep evening, when no lessons are held and everyone's in their dorms, and the worst:

without a wand.

I was fucked up.

And I knew it.

I stared yelling for someone:
"Hello? Is anyone there!? Harry!?" But nobody answered.


Still no one. I was lost and didn't know what to do.

For the first time in my life, I was scared, but not because of Harry. I nervously started walking back and forth from the fear of stepping in a dangerous room, which is not so rare at Hogwarts. I tried to feel the walls around me and I just stood there, not knowing what to do. Only thing I did, was to yell if anyone was close to me:even Flinch, so I could get back to the warm dorm, and then peacefully watch the contestants getting announced.

I suddenly felt someone lighten up something from behind me. It was clearly a light. I realized it slowly and looked behind swiftly as I did, just to see a cold darkness again. I got scared and started walking forward. More steps I took, the scarier all of this became.

"Lost?" I heard someone say. I got chills down my spine and I became all red from fear.

I gulped and turned behind me, but I quickly realized someone behind me was much taller, so I looked up. It was a shadow of tall man with long hair. I don't know what made me do this, but I suddenly touched his left cheek gently with my thumb, just to feel who it was.

Why didn't I get scared?

I moved closer to him, just to feel some cologne. Marshmallows, and smell of fire.. And such a strong smell of fire whiskey following it. I slowly stopped breathing as I realized.. It was Fred weasley. How could I not recognize him with his voice?

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