5: Hide n' Seek

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We came back to the Weasley's home.

Mrs. Weasley quickly came running towards me and hugged me:

"Are you feeling well, sweetie? Do you want some food? Wait, I will make soup and some cookies for you, and make sure you go to sleep early! We are going to Diagon Alley tomorrow! Oh, my dear girl, how did it happen to you.."

"No, Mrs. Weasley, I am alright, I am really feeling so much better now-"

"Call me Molly!" She smiled at me, and without even glancing at others, she leaded me to the house.

She somehow reminded me of Fred.

But I avoided having any interactions with Fred since that game, I just, didn't want to ruin my relationship with Mrs. Weasley.

She was so sweet, I didn't want her to think badly about me. I was sure she wanted much better girl for his son, and not an orphan half-muggle girl with trauma and trust issues, who is living with abusive relatives.

Every minute since we came home from the quidditch match, Fred would knock on my door and offer me some new prank-toys, fake wands and potions he made. But I just politely smiled, said thank you and never talked to him that day. Because I didn't want to. And otherwise, Angelina liked him too all this time. And she's older, prettier, smarter, better at quidditch. I sometimes felt bad for playing quidditch because I'm a "potter". Everything felt so 'set-up' that way..

But I had to prove to everyone that I'm not just the girl who can only fall from the railing.

I am so much better, stronger, and more intelligent.

But I'm done with Fred. Even because of his desperate looks, I will never give him any specific attention.

"Y/N!" I jumped at Ginny's yell. "What are you thinking about that much!? I asked DO YOU WANNA PLAY MONOPOLY OR NOT"

"Oh, uh y-uesh, ye, I'll play monopoly" I messed up talking.

"Ugh, did you fall with your head or something?"

"Since we came home, you're acting weird" Hermione added sarcastically.

"Yeah, looks like you're thinking about something"

"Or someone!" Hermione giggled.

"Then share it with us!" Ginny giggled back.

I just smiled and said:

"Are you guys idiots? Do you think I would be thinking about 'someone' when I almost died twice only in a SINGLE DAY!?"

"Noo, you never are THAT dramatic when you 'almost die'. We know you" Ginny giggled again and looked at me.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Ginny yelled.

"Who do you think it is?!" With the attitude of the voice, I recognized Georgie.

"Ugh, you can come in" Ginny answered and crossed her arms.

George came in running his hands in his hair. He was wearing pajamas, like us. But his pajamas had a big "G" sewed in.

"Woow, I really like your pajamas" I smirked at him.

"I know right, I am much hotter version of Fred" he winked at me playfully and sat with us.

"Now, how do you feel after almost dying for two times today?" George casually pointed his fist at me, like it was a microphone.

"Oh," I went close to the 'microphone' "I feel.. Great!"

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