3: Saved by Krum

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Everything was going well, until my whole body started to hurt. I knew it. I was getting bad feelings all the day.

But pain in my whole body was just a symptom, of something..very horrible happening.

I stood up, and went closer to the bench. I just wanted to get some air.

Fred stood next to me and asked in a low voice

"What's wrong, You alright?"

"I- I think I'm okay.. Thanks Fred." I barely could manage to talk.

What was wrong with me?

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, you can sit, thank you.. " I barely spoke. I was struggling so much not to make my voice sound shaky.

Fred looked at me and nodded.

I holded tightly onto the railing. I had the feeling of throwing up, headache, and a very sharp pain into the centre of my forehead.

Soonly, I felt someone touch my shoulder. I looked, it was Harry behind me.

"Y/n, you alright? You don't seem quit well. Fred told me you looked pale and your voice was shaking." He rubbed my shoulder.

"No, no, I'm all right, I just have this fear.. Of.. Um- of big spaces.. Yeah.."

"I never thought you had a fear like this" said Harry with a softened, caring face.

Awh, he reminded me of the father I've never seen..

"You know, about the thing I didn't want to tell you.. I just had a bad dream.. "

"You had a bad dream!?" I said loudly. I couldn't hear him.

Harry quickly covered my mouth.

"Shhh.. It's not necessary to make everyone know!"

I could barely hear his voice, everyone was cheering and shouting.

Or, was it just my headache that blocked my ears from hearing easily?

Everyone cheered and made an applause. Ireland won 170-160. Viktor got the snitch.

Suddenly, flow of leprechauns and Irish sirens came from our side, since we were on the top and on the darkest side of the pitch. The flow hit us, and I loosened my hands on the railing...


Harry tried to catch me, but everything happened so fast. I slowly slipped from the bench, and started to fall. I lost consciousness.

I heard everyone's desperate yell. 'Oooh'-s coming from the whole crowd. I was falling. I knew I was gonna die.

I regretted everything I did in the past.


I got caught by someone's strong arms. People's gasps filled the playground. I could barely see blurred visions. And I saw myself on the giant screen. I couldn't see the person who was holding me.

I fainted.


I woke up in a tent. I was laying on a bed. Fred was playing with my hair. Others were sitting beside me, looking at me desperately.

I opened my eyes.

"Y/n!" Fred yelled and quickly let go of my hair.

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