Do you want to join?

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I squirm at the sound of...something pouring? Clearly annoyed I roll around, or at least try to. I blink open my eyes to see Hijikata asleep and his arm wrapped around my torso holding me close, and his other arm being my pillow.

'Huh-' I blank out confused, then all of last night come back as I blush. I hear a snicker and remember that I woke up from something, and look towards the direction of the said snicker.

Sanan! He laughs quietly at the confused face I made and I frown at his actions. I roll my eyes and notice him to start pouring cups of tea, the sweet citrus aroma filling up the room as I sigh in content. I feel Hijikata squirm slightly and I look back at him, seeing creases on his brow as he grumbles and holds me tighter.

As if realizing he was holding something, or someone he immediately wakes up. He blinks his eyes open and finds me residing in his arms gazing up at him with a smile. He blinks, slightly taken aback of the look I give him. Him blushing slightly, quite unnoticeable, thinking he actually likes waking up with someone in his arms, it is a nice feeling.

As Hijikata is in his own world, phasing out of reality, I take his long onyx hair twisting it around my finger. He flinches at the slight pull I gave him and looks down at me with his finger twirled around his finger, and he smiles. The sweetest smile I have ever seen from the stone cold blooded man that once wanted to kill me.

I grew stunned at the smile he gave, as it was so unnatural, almost otherworldly. I take it all in, but as soon as it was there it vanished as Sanan placed two cups of tea next to us.

"Well good morning sleepy heads!" Sanan says with much passion, almost as if he was agitated. 'What's his deal? Tf?" I think as Hijikata and I both sit up and collect ourselves. The futon rolling off my body leaving it bare, but I could care less as these men both have seen everything. I lean down to grasp the tea and gulp it down.

The sweet tanginess clashing with a bitter aftertaste, fitting for Sanan. I sigh in content, as this beverage is the first liquid I had after my 'exciting' endeavor last night. I open my eyes to see both males eyes looming over my body, looking at the marks that they gave me last night.
'Oh? Now finally they are appreciating the art, maybe they should have before they ruined it.' I huff and go back to drinking the tea, ignoring the presence of the men.

"Ahem* We need to get moving, we have lots to do today." I hear Sanan clear his throat and announce, and feel a kimono placed over my shoulders and see him beside me.

"Yes, you are correct." Hijikata snaps back into work mode and grows into his serious self. I frown at the sight but shrug it off, "You boys don't mind if I clean myself off before we go, do you?" I announce as they both look at me as I am quite disgusting.

"Yes of course, but do not take too long." Hijikata says and urges me along. He leads me to the bath house and closes the door for me. 'Hmm... some kind of body guard or something gosh.' I think as I shrug snd strip out of the kimono that I half wore. I splash my body with the water outside of the hot spring to try to get myself semi clean. 'Good god, there is cum all over me...' I think as I look down at my chest and waist.

I sigh and submerge myself in the hot spring, content with how warm the water is. I lay my head back on the wall and breathe in the lavender filled plumes that fill the air. I begin to dip my hair and wash it as I hear the sliding door open.

"Gosh Toshi, you really can't stay away can you?" I smirk and turn around, only to see a tall muscular red head walk into the hot springs. 'Oh either he is a perv of Hijikata sent me to a public bath house. I don't mind, he's hot.' I think as I silently gaze at the tall male as he strips out of his yukata, his abs glistening from sweat. I assume he feels my eyes and looks towards me and frowns.

"I am not your Toshi, so stop staring." He answers with a deep voice the ruptures through my core, 'holy shit. Do i have a voice kink?' I think as I turn back around and try to settle my enraging blush under control.

"I'm sorry, you are so attractive I couldn't help myself." I answer as I stay cool and wrap my hair around my hands putting shampoo in it, massaging it in my scalp.

"Nonsense." He grumbles lowly, and I feel my legs twitch together. 'Jesus Christ, is this lavender mixed with an aphrodisiac or am I just mad horny?' I think as I massage my scalp more fiercely to try to distract myself.

I hear footsteps and then the water splashing, 'ohhh my god. He's in the water.' I breathe deeply, and continue to act cool as I wash my hair. I am about to wash the shampoo out when the sliding door swings open once more, 'oh Toshi is going to be furious-' I think as I whip my head to see another tall male but this time with blue hair.

'Did those assholes leave me?' I think as I shrug and continue washing my hair, not paying attention to the eyes I am getting. I go under and scrub my scalp, throughly washing the shampoo out until it resides in the hot spring floating like bubbles. I come back up and see the blue haired male now in the water and close to me, closer than he should be.

"Well hello there beautiful." A deal husky voice speaks, slight smell of gunpowder resides on him. I look up, still holding my hair which is covering my upper half.

"Hello~" I smile and tilt my head, 'if Hijikata is going to play hooky and leave than I will too. He looks fun.' I think as I watch his eyes travel my figure.

"Shiranui, now is not the time." The male from before, Mr whisper deep nothings to me speaks, in a slightly annoyed tone. I raise my eyebrow and look over at him, clenching my jaw as my eyes travel his figure.

"Hmm? Why not?" I question, and frown slightly as I look back at the blue haired male as he smirks down at me. I lean towards him and run my finger down his chest and his beautiful toned torso. He squints his eyes slightly, as if fighting demons internally.

"Princess, don't do this to me." He irks slightly, taking control of the situation once more and grabbing my hand. I frown, and grudgingly look at the red head who has no reaction.

"Is it because you want you friend to join?" I ask, "don't worry, I can take two." I spit out with no shame, both males in-front of me look taken aback by my boldness.

"I've got nothing but time~" I say as I leaned back and smirked at them both, watching them gulp.

—————————————————————date: 10/7/22

I feel like I suck at writing. Why r u all reading this shit. Weirdos👩‍🦯

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