Master Plan

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I size up the many men that surround us, taking note that they all are quite strong and are armed. I notice Hijikata and Sanan draw their swords, Sanan with one hand as his grip on me tightens tremendously. I frown, 'if he keeps holding me it will hinder him extremely.'

I squeeze Sanans shoulder slightly and he takes note of it with the small turn of his head towards me. I lean down towards his ear slightly, "I have a plan, just follow me and trust me. I'm going to thrash around so drop me." I whisper in his ear as he pauses for a slight moment and nods slightly.

I begin to cry and flail around while Sanan holds me as he begins to look at me shocked playing along. "L-Let me go you bas-tard" I scream out stuttering and out of breath as I thrash around on his shoulder pounding on his back harshly. Hijikata looking at me with a murderous glare.

Sanan flinches and drops me on the ground and Hijikata reaches out to grab me quickly as I kneel back up. I flinch at him coming towards me and terror fills my face and I back away quickly and stand up. Hijikata starts walking towards me but stops as I run to cover to the men that surrounds us.

Tears fall from my face as I immediately wrap around the closest man that was near me, my arms wrapping around his torso and hiding behind him covering in fear. He flinches and looks back at me with a questionable glance as he was taken off guard.

"P-please h-help me...they kidnapped me a-and were taking m-me somewhere..." I stutter out as my tears stain the man's yukata as I breathe in his musky scent. He settles down and I feel an arm wrap around me as the male holds me close.

"Aww, it's okay sweet heart. We'll take good care of you~" He says seductively and rubs my back in a suggestive manner, I groan eternally and take my face out of the man's back and look around at the men around us looking at me, gazing at places they shouldn't. I glance at Hijikata and he is furious and sending me murderous glares as he is gripping his katana harshly.

I glance at Sanan and see him calm and watching me with a keen eye wondering what my plan was or if I really tricked him. I smile slightly and look over to the male in the back that is dressed quite flashy, 'well hello Mr Leader~' I think as I look back at Hijikata and flinch once again playing back into character.

I begin to shake and step back further as the man let's go of my waist, watching as I frantically run to the man in charge. I 'accidentally' trip and he rushes towards and catches me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"P-please help. You'll h-help right?" I say as my tears once again fall from my face as I look into his eyes seeing a smirk paint across his scarred face. His brown eyes squinting as he takes in my act, 'is he falling for it?'

"Oh of course sweetheart. Please save those tears for later." He says as he wipes the tears off my face with his thumb and licks his finger, 'why was the hot...' I shake my head internally and sniffle as I nod slightly, still gazing into his honey filled eyes.

I lean into the man taking a quick note as to where his weapons are and wrap my arms around him squeezing, his tabaco scent filling up my senses reminding me of my master.

"Now men, take those two out. They are sullying our grounds. Now I have different matters to attend to." He says as he strokes my back and hair, I shiver getting immediate flash backs from master once more. I feel myself freezing up as the memories coat my vision. My once act now leads me to actually shivering and I fall to the ground as my legs give out. The male grasps my shoulders keeping me steady from fully falling over.

"Steady sweetheart, I'd rather you on your knees some other time." He says as he grasps my hair and pushes my face towards his legs, nudging my face with his thighs. I gulp and look back to see Hijikata and Sanan both fighting several men at once, and others just watching as if it was a dog fight. I glance back up at the male who is rubbing my face towards his crotch and I realize I just see some snarky rough looking bandit with his eyes gazing at me with lust. I growl and immediately lean forward and bite his crotch.

He leans down, clutching his trophy gasping for breath. I take his katana and slice open his torso, his intestines showering all over me as he stumbles back holding them. I look over to see two men noticing that their boss has been brought down and they both immediately come running over drawing out their swords.

I stay kneeled down covered in blood, awaiting them like a hawk as they both scurry over shouting profanity's at me. I take a nice swipe at one of them causing them to trip and fall neatly on the katana I so happily placed there, the other male swinging at me from above. I use the man's body as cover and roll away as the mans arm gets cut off straight through the bone. I swiftly stand up and slice the man cleanly, blood spluttering all over my face once more.

Glancing over at Hijikata and Sanan, I see that they have taken out a noticeably vast amount of men. I stalk towards them cutting the throats of 4 men as I waltz towards them. The sounds of their bodies hitting the floor alerted 5 other men, as they saw me with two katanas in each hand bathed in blood walking towards them.

They all ran at me at once, I dodge a slice, it cutting part of my sleeves in my kimono off. I twirl around and and swipe at two of them, their heads falling in rhythm. I jump on top of one of the bodies that is now falling and slice open a man that was focused on Hijikata and Sanan.

I reach my arms back with the katanas in tow, slicing two men that were once behind me. I glance back at Hijikata and Sanan and see them both staring at me with dumbfounded expressions, I notice a man stalking in the back behind Sanan and raise his sword-

Date: 10/10/22

If there's two things i love about writing it's smut, and gore. Sorry...

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