If I catch fire then i'll take my turn to burn (Bottom Derek / Top Stiles)

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Moonlight sliced through Stiles's curtains, falling onto Derek's face and naked back. His biceps strained from the position he'd been holding for over thirty minutes, and he flexed his fingers to get the blood flowing. Stiles patted his side with a dry hand, his other hand was currently drenched in lube and those long elegant fingers curled inside of Derek. 

"You haven't lost feeling in your hands, have you?" Stiles asked.

Derek shook his head no against the plush walnut colored carpet. Stiles wanted his ass up and stomach flat for this particular activity.

"Dude, we talked about this," Stiles grunted in frustration. "If I'm going to tie you up, then I need verbal communication during. Especially since you won't do the stop light system."

"Don't call me dude with your hand in my ass." Derek squirmed.

"Then you need to answer when I ask you a question." Stiles ruffled his hair, the angle pushing his fingers deeper inside. "And my hand isn't all the way in. Derek heard the smile in his voice. "Yet. Now, answer the question or I'm stopping the show."

"I'm good. I'll say if I'm not."

Stiles hummed and massaged Derek's fingers needlessly. "Yeah, sure."

Derek shifted his knees and arched his back more. He wasn't uncomfortable. He could hold this position for hours, but Derek wanted to get off. Sooner rather than later. "Just do your job," he mumbled into the carpet.

Stiles laughed and ruffled his hair again. "Yeah, okay, boss." His fingers intensified over Derek's prostate, making the kneeling man groan. "Jackpot," Stiles said.

Derek groaned again, out of annoyance this time. He'd come over earlier, waiting for the elder Stilinski's police cruiser to leave for his shift, in hopes of having an actual conversation with Stiles. It had been three days of screwing each other until Stiles fell asleep in Derek's arms. While the physical part of their friendship was developing quickly, Derek wasn't sure if what they had was a relationship. He may not have been much of a talker, but he hadn't checked on how Stiles was feeling since they started.

"I have a list," Stiles told him as soon as he crossed the threshold. He had taken his usual spot on Derek's lap while they made out on his couch. Derek hadn't been able to say more than a couple of sentences before Stiles tackled him.

"A list?" Derek's brain was constantly rushing to catch up to Stiles's scattered musings.

"Yeah, of what I want to do to you." He kissed Derek in between words. "And what I want you to do to me."

Derek tightened his arms around Stiles's waist. The kissing was distracting. "Okay. That's very clinical of you."

Stiles slapped his cheek lightly. "It's efficient. I'm a detailed, oriented sort of fella."

"Who says fella anymore?"

A glimmer of mania ran through Stiles's eyes. "I want to handcuff you."

Derek stayed silent.

"I want to handcuff you and edge you until you beg me to stick my dick inside of you." He smoothed his palms over Derek's chest, not meeting his eyes.

'At least he has some shame,' Derek thought. "I don't beg." He wasn't opposed to begging, but he didn't think he should make this easy for Stiles.

Stiles narrowed his eyes and nodded. "Well, what about the other parts? The handcuffing and bending you over and I bought a glove specifically for--,"

Derek sighed, because he was going to say yes. "You watch too much porn."

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