Pin Money (Bottom Peter / Top Corey)

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The elevator chimes softly as it reaches the top of the Beacon Hills Arms, the sole passenger of the lift shifting slightly from foot to foot as the car settles to a stop. There's a charge in the air as the doors momentarily press together before gliding open softly along their tracks.

The young man stepping out of the car is slight, built lean and tight. A shaggy mop of brown hair sits atop his head. It's usually clean cut and combed stylishly, but tonight's request is for messy, disheveled, and less than clean, and that suits Corey Bryant just fine..

Corey's feet sink into the lush carpet of the hallway as he makes his way to the door of the only suite on the floor, where his target lay in wait. Licking his lips, Corey places his hand on the cool brass doorknob and turns it gently. The knob turns easily, and a small smile spreads across the quiet intruder's mouth.. The Penthouse door opens easily, silently, on well oiled hinges. The interior is darkened with only a few lamps softly glowing in the corners of the room. They give enough light so that even if Corey was not already familiar with the layout of the suite, he still would be able to find his way unassisted.

Moving quietly, Corey creeps into the master bedroom. His prey awaits him in the large, king sized bed, dressed only in a pair of silk pajama bottoms. The older man's muscled torso is sharply defined, solid round pecs capped by hardened pink nipples. Corey licks his lips, his eyes roaming over the man's muscled arms. One is thrown over his head, flaunting a shock of thick dark fur in the bed of the armpit. A touch of softness below the pecs, unlike Corey's solid six pack, the older man's stomach is a mix of solid form and soft cuddle.

Stepping closer to the bed, Corey slowly sheds his clothes, removing first his leather jacket, followed by the dark green shirt covering his torso. Corey catches a whiff of his own musky pits, a familiar and sensual scent he knows he isn't alone in appreciating. Corey unbuckles his pants, catching the way the older man's nose twitches for a moment. Kicking off his shoes Corey grins, watching as the sleeping body wakes in front of him, before shucking his pants down his legs..

"What the..." The older man starts, before a naked Corey leaps on the bed, restraining the older man, placing a hand over the man's mouth, pinning his body down.

"Shhhh..." Corey hisses into the man's ear. "We can do this the easy way.... Or the hard way." Corey grinds his hips into the older man, his thick length beginning to grow against the outside of the man's silky pants. "But even doing it the hard way...." Corey's lips trace the shell of the older man's ear. "Can be pretty fun too."

The man shakes his head, eyes wide as he looks at Corey. The younger guy grins an evil grin. This part excites him, this illusion of power over this hunky older daddy who feels so strong and powerful under Corey's grip, and Corey has no illusions. The man mumbles and Corey softens his grip over the man's mouth.

"Please... take anything you want... just... don't hurt me..."

Corey grins as the man continues to speak. .

"I'm.... I'm Peter Hale. Richest man in Beacon Hills. I can give you anything you want..."

Moving his free hand lower, Corey slips inside the back of Peter's pants, easing his fingers into the crack of Peter's ass. "Anything?" The younger guy asks. "Cause... I can think of a lot of things I'd like." Corey is pleased to feel the older man is loose and greased, warm and welcoming to his exploring digits.

Peter whimpers into Corey's palm. He shakes his head weakly. "Come on kid." He sighs. "Not... ughhh.... That... please...."

Corey nibbles on Peter's ear, tugging down on Peter's pants to below the man's plump ass. "You said anything..."

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