Getting Back To You (Bottom Theo / Top Brett)

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Brett was sitting on the front porch waiting on Theo to show up. He had been waiting for the last two hours for his boyfriend and mate. He didn't know where on earth he was at because the last he heard Theo was only fifteen minutes from the house. It was deep in the woods away from almost everything. However, the way Theo drove at times he was sure he wouldn't have had to take two hours to get there. His leg was throbbing and he didn't know why, but he kept rubbing it. He took his phone out sending a text to Theo asking where in the hell he was.

However a black wolf came running at Brett before he could even send the text. It had a white patch under it's head on its chest and he knew who the wolf was. "Theo what in the world? It's been two hours and this is how you turn up?" Brett asked going down the steps before standing in front of the wolf.

Theo took a moment to shift back trying to catch his breath. He gave Brett a look of slight annoyance, but didn't say anything at first. The last two hours had not been the greatest. The last two hours actually topped the nights he was woken up with nightmares. Those nightmares he could handle being chased by hunters with shot guns and other types of weapons he couldn't.

He had come so close to dying twice, but he had finally shifted into his wolf form and took off. He had led the hunters away from where his pack was. He refused to lead them to the pack he finally had because he cared about them. He especially cared about the werewolf in front of him so he had run as far as he could. He knew that hunters could track if they were trained well enough. He knew that they would do anything to kill the supernatural creatures.

"I'm sorry; there was the slight problem of hunters after me. You try having to out run them when you're shot." Theo growled out slightly because his leg was still hurting. He'd managed to stop the bleeding long enough to shift and get far enough away he couldn't be found.

"Shit," Brett said before squatting down looking at the wound that was almost finished healing on Theo's leg. "You got the bullet out by yourself?" he asked checking to make sure he wasn't going to need to put any flames to it because of wolfsbane.

"There wasn't any wolfsbane just a regular bullet. I know a lot of hiding places and ways around this town that the hunters don't. The only upside to having to spend a lot of time with the fucking doctors." Theo groaned before letting out a sigh of relief as Brett took the pain away. He didn't want to see Theo in pain even if he had been annoyed by him at first.


Brett stood up checking the rest of Theo's body only finding dirt and a few leaves that were stuck to his body. He removed the leaves and pulled a few briars and those sticky burr things off his skin. He knew they had stuck to his wolf's fur when he'd been running through the woods. The need to kick the hunters' asses for even trying to hurt Theo had him pissed off.

He hadn't known why he'd been feeling the pain going through his leg. He had known deep down something was wrong, but he had done his best not to worry so much about Theo. Theo was always finding his self in trouble. It was one of the things that Brett liked about him. He let out a growl once he made sure that Theo was okay before he turned Theo around facing him. He needed to reassure his self that Theo was safe and he wasn't going to disappear. He was still new to the bond they had made with each other the night before.

"Are you okay?" Brett asked moving his hand over Theo's face and down to his neck. There were small scratches that where healing now. "Nothing else hurts anywhere?" he was worried even more now that Theo was in front of him and he shouldn't be since he could see he was here before him. The hunters were getting even bolder and it was worrying him that they could have killed Theo.

"Yes, I'm okay. I promise you that I'm okay." Theo said before pulling Brett to him kissing his boyfriend. He had promised his self he would make it back to Brett. He wasn't going to die out there or be captured.

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