Big mama

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Big mama's hotel was scary at first, but so far all of big mama's staff had treated me kindly. Heck, even big mama treated me like some sort of kid she found floating down a canal in a gigantic tire.

To be fair, she did.

In exchange, I performed tasks as a wait staff. Heck, I was even given a uniform. Yokai and mutants alike came from across the hidden city to see the 'exotic human waitress' at big mama's hotel.

Heck the work wasn't too hard either, and I was wracking in tips. When id told big mama about my situation, she promised to contact the turtles so that they could rescue me. It had been some time, and I missed my boyfriend but had been so nice that I couldn't help but trust her.

Besides, I didn't know where in the vast hidden city I was, and she claimed it was rather dangerous to wander alone when you didn't know where you were going.

Sometimes I got to wander the arena stands while a battle went on in the nexus. Big mama said yokai come to fight for fun, fame and money. Some of the fights got a little fierce, but people tipped incredibly during battles.

I'd become an icon for her hotel, big mama began treating me like royalty since I racked in so much business. She gave me a card that got me basically anything for free in the hidden city, daily spas at the hotel and meals.

When I wasn't working I was basically worshipped.

Although everything was perfect and my job was stellar, I missed the turtles. They hadn't shown up yet, and I really missed april and fluffy, especially missing my moms.

After a few days with no sign of them, big mama had told me that they sent word to her.

They didn't want me back...

Currently I was sat in my room, on the plush king sized bed. A pillow was in my grasp and I sobbed into it, while big mama patted my back gently. "It's alright sweetheart, even if those lousy reptiles don't want you, you'll always be appreciated here." She soothed.

I cried against her much larger frame. I missed everyone, but apparently nobody missed me. With that I stopped worrying about trying to contact the turtles, and vowed to work for big mama until my mothers found me and picked me up.

(Moms pick me up im scared)

-with the turtles-

It had been days with no sign of y/n, leo grew horribly sad, sulking and barely throwing out one liners or attempting to show off. They had no way to track y/n since she hadn't taken her phone tubing, and fluffy grew hissy, snapping at everyone but april and leo.

Fluffy also began chewing on everything out of stress, leading to several accidents in the lair when things collapsed due to the stressed silverfish.

"Where could she have gone? We've got drones searching the sewers 24/7, we've searched the sewers ourselves, and we checked her home and everything." Leo moaned, sprawled on the ground carelessly.

"Look, leo I know everything seems bad, maybe she found a friendly face and she's staying at a new friend's place or something." Raph tried to soothe his brother in blue. "She would've come back for fluffy,... she would've come back for me." He whispered.

Splinter decided to take his sons to the hidden city in hopes of raising their spirits since the mood in the lair had plummeted along with Leo's. On being offered spa days, expensive items and even the world's best pizza from hueso, he shrugged it off with a quiet 'no thanks.'

Splinter pulled his other sons in for a huddle. "Blue isn't interested in anything we've tried." "Well yeah, his girlfriend's gone, even doctor delicate touch can't help much with that." Mikey whispered.

"Leo liked watching fighting, what if we went to see wrestling or went to the battle nexus?" Raph offered. "Big mama isn't too fond of us, so nexus isn't really on the table." Donnie responded. They all sat quietly at the table in hueso's, before an ad came onto the tv.

"Itching for some food, or a good fight? Visit the battle nexus today and you have a chance to meet the iconic human herself! Entry paid, visitors are not guaranteed interaction with the human." The tv flashed a picture of a table of yokai being served by a familiar human, albeit a fuzzy photo.

Leo's eyes stared into the tv, and he dropped his glass.

"Guys, we need to get into that hotel."

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