FINALE : Alpha & Omega / this is the dream

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I am Alpha and Omega,

the beginning and the end,

the first and the last.

[Revelation 22: 13]


Ichigo and Aoi have accomplished their plan to graduate from Aikatsu alongside their every single idol friends by bringing complete reset to their worlds through Sublimation, the very thing 2wingS once tried to accomplish, wiping off Aikatsu itself off everyone's worlds.

Following the completion of Sublimation, the Phantasmagoria trio find themself in a void, wondering why they haven't been sent to their restored worlds.

Ichigo: "Aoi, Aria-chan, why are we in such a place? We have done it, right?"

Aoi: "Yes, we have done it. Yet, something appears to be... incomplete."

Aria: "Ichigo-san, Aoi-san, it appears that we have one more phase of our Sublimation, right where we are right now..."

Ichigo: "One more phase? What do you mean?"

Aria: "I just realized... I have awakened my own power similar to yours."

Aoi: "How can you tell?"

Aria: "It was right when we joined together with 00 Raiser to break ourselves free. When you, Aoi-san, awakened your Pure Azure Energy, I could feel something reacting - something that seems to be already within me since the day I first met you. The more I feel about it, the more I realize it was a very similar power to yours."

Aoi: "So, Ichigo received her Pure Crimson Energy, and I just unlocked my own Pure Azure Energy, the same one that Milady has. If we have red and blue, that means--?"

Aria: "Yes, the green one is me. Crimson, Azure, and... Pure Vihreä Energy."

Aoi: "Finnish for green, huh?"

Ichigo: "I see. That does fit you as a nature-themed fairy idol."

Aoi: "I believe, at this point, our worlds have turned into a completely empty void just like this one. So, by combining the Crimson, Azure, and Vihreä that you just awakened, perhaps we can now truly shape our world according to our own will. At the end, we became gods ourselves... the very thing we were trying to reject. But, it doesn't even matter anymore, because we're rejecting this godhood soon anyway."

Aria nods at Aoi.

Ichigo: "I understand. We're going to bring our worlds and our friends back to how everything used to be, except without Aikatsu. Everything else, it's up to their free will to decide."

Aria: "Then, let's hold hands together, and channel our energies into our wishes. The final phase of our Sublimation is at hand."

Ichigo and Aoi nods, then the three begin holding hands. As they channel their energies, they begin glowing, with Ichigo glowing red, Aoi glowing blue, and Aria glowing green. Soon, a triangular prism is created, filled with the energy of their truest wishes for all the worlds. However, they soon notice something else within the prism.

Ichigo: "Hey, I sense something familiar."

Aoi: "Yes, it's coming from the prism. Isn't that... Aine-chan? Or at least... her essence."

Aria: "I see... Before the universe was created, there was only Ayin. Yes, the very void we're standing on right now."

Ichigo: "Ayin... as in, nothingness? So, Aine-chan's essence is the nothingness from which we recreate our worlds."

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