7| Sealed girl

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talking : " My name is Jeff "
whispering : " oh sheeeeeshhh "
screaming : " I AM QUEEN OF THE CASTLE!!! "
skills : [Gates of Babylon]
thoughts : Gilgamesh, is that you!?
threatening/ corrupted : Hoho!


[Y/N's POV]

Hajime and we continued our conquest of the Dungeon.

After passing through the quagmire level, we are now advanced to the fiftieth level. We've already lost our senses of time. Despite that, we have been progressing with an astonishing pace. All this while, we have went through deathmatches against several magic beasts that could only be described as unreasonably strong.

For example, on a level that was completely covered by thin poisonous fog, we were attacked by a two meter long rainbow-colored frog with poisonous spit and then there was a moth (with outer appearance like that of Mothra) that released paralyzing scales. 

If it was not for the Sacred Water, and my ability to freeze, we might have already died several times over, simply from exploring the Dungeon.

The iridescent frog's poison directly affects the nervous system of its target, and it made Hajime experience a pain similar to when he first ate magic beasts' meat. He would have died if not for the sacred water he had prepared in advance, behind his molars. The thing Hajime placed at his molars was a small container made from a very thin layer of stone, which makes it easily crushable with the teeth. It was really fortunate that he had this prepared in case of emergencies.

Now that I think about it. Have my and Kurumi's bodies been upgraded to the point that we can eat anything without feeling pain? Damn, we're lucky.




Furthermore, despite being in an underground labyrinth, there was a level which appeared to be a dense forest. The immensely dense humidity made it the most uncomfortable place up till date. This level's magic beasts include giant centipedes and trees.

We were traversing through the jungle when a giant centipede suddenly fell from the treetops. We felt extremely nauseated at the sight of it, and started to develop goose bumps all over our body. Moreover, this centipede was a type of magic beast that attacks by detaching its body into several parts, fighting one of them was like fighting thirty black cockroaches in the kitchen. 

At first, Hajime tried to fight them off, telling us " I'll handle this shit myself " by continuously shooting with Donner, but the numbers were too overwhelming. It would take a lot of time to reload, so he decided to switch over to [Air Claw] and tear them apart directly. 

He even had to resort to kicking, which he was unused to, it was literally a desperate fight for his life. It was at this time that Hajime decided to hone his quick reloading skills and brush up on his kicking techniques. While bathed in the purple fluids from the torn centipede, Hajime heaved a disappointed sigh.

Incidentally, the tree magic beast were similar to Treants in RPG games. Its subterranean roots would suddenly attack from underground and also acted like whips to lash at enemies. However, the greatest trait of these treant-like creatures were not these kind of trivial attacks. 

When these magic beasts sensed danger, they would fling the red fruits that were hanging on their branches. There was absolutely zero offensive power, so Hajime tried eating the fruit. Following that, he just stood there, paralyzed, for more than ten minutes. 

It was not due to poison or anything. Rather, it was ridiculously delicious. The deliciously juicy red fruit was more like a watermelon than an apple. I too, was so impressed by the taste of it that I decided to hunt a few more of them for snack.

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