chapter 7

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"Chaeyong?" she asks again with H-he is your son, she asks with face of betrayal.

"y-yes, but he isn't a mur-"

"You fucking liars!! All this time! All this time you lied to me! You all-" she looks at Eunwo. "You knew about this? That this woman worked at our house?"

Eunwo inhales a deep breath and nods. Yunji scoffs and faces the other way, like she's done with everyone. Eunwo grabs her shoulder and makes her face him. "Listen, Yunji. I know you're mad and I understand your feelings. You jut need to calm down and let us do your works. Park Chaeyong works at your doesn't claim that her son is a murderer,"

"But this fucking cunt lied to me!" she looks at Jimin. "When I asked him what did his parents do, he told me his mother worked in a factory! He lied to me because he was scared of getting caught!"


"Why did you lie to Yunji, Jimin?"

Eunwo asks him as he clasps his fingers together. He looks at him straight in the face and doesn't move a bit. He has now understood that the kid is and introvert and to get to his mentality, he needs to become like the kid.

He stayed like that for about ten minutes, both staring at each other with an emotionless face.

The other staffs at the other side of the room, who were currently watching them sighed and shook their head.

"I don't think, he'll speak-" one of the staffs says to other.

Yunji grits her teeth, her eyes swollen and she looked pale, her hair like he hadn't combed it for months. She gives Chaeyong a death glare who just quitely sat at the corner of the room, staring at her son worriedly.

But all of their attention goes back to the room when Jimin decided to speak up.

"Yes I lied to her." he says.

Eunwo sits up on his seat quickly. "Why? Why did you lie to her? Were it because you were ashamed of her? That she works as a maid in your classmate's house?"

"No." he shakes his head and stares at his hands. "It's because I don't want anyone to look down at my mother. I'm tried of people picking on her. I'm not ashamed of her, she works very hard to run our family and I am-" he raises his head and looks at Eunwo. " I am very proud of her for who she is." he says.

Chaeyong sniffs as he reaches a handerchief to her nose, sniffing in the corner that makes Yunji disgust. But the thing she didn't understand was that Chaeyong was a mother too, just like she was.

Eunwo hums with a nods. " Okay, now we will do a lie detector test,okay? Are you ready for it?"

Jimin looks at his mother through the glass between the two rooms. She nods at Jimin and then at Eunwo. Jimin looks at Eunwo and nods.

"Were you friends with Jungkook?"

Jimin stares at the ceiling as he analyses the question for a while.

"No." he replies.

"Was the blood on your shoe, really because Jungkook was skinned?"

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