chapter 11

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"Darim." he says.

Yunji's eyes nearly bulged out o her sockets.

"Darim? Kim Darim, your English teacher?" she repeats.

"Yes. She-" he fiddles with his fingers. " She killed him because of me. I-it's all..." Jimin started to shake, his voice trembling as he hides his face in his palms. "He died all because of me. He got killed because of's my fault-" he sniffs.

Yunji grabs his wrist and pulls his hand down but he doesn't look up. "What you mean Jimin? Tell me clearly, please..."

But he's still sniffing softly and staring at the floor.

Jimin takes a deep breath. "It all started when we got a video of her."

"What video?"

"A video of her having sex with her man. We blackmailed her that we'd leak her sextapes and asked her for question papers to our exams."

Yunji can hear the guilt in his vocals as he continues to speak.

"Jungkook always tried to give me his pocket money because I am poor but I didn't accept it. He even suggested to ask you to increase my mom's salary but I denied. And eventually he made an idea of asking Darim money and make it final. "

"So we asked her half a million money in exchange for her sextape. We told her we don't need the papers anymore and that it was our last deal."

"And then?" Yunji asks.

"She gave us the money. She told us to meet by the han river at night on..... It was raining very heavily and we were out in our rain coats. "

"I was scared. I told Jungkook we should return back and we shouldn't take the money. But he...." Jimin shutters like he's afraid to continue.

"Jungkook. Jungkook, lets go." Jimin gulps. "I don't want the money, let's just go."

Jungkook grabs his hand. "No Jimin. They deserve this. They deserve this trouble and you deserve the money."


"Shh. They're here..."

Both of them hide between the bushes. They see car pull over at a distant. The bright light from the headlights make them squint there eyes shut.

The window rolls down and a man throws a bag on the road, rolls the window back again and drives away.

The boys keep staring at the road until the car leaves.

"They're gone.." Jungkook whispers.

Jimin gulps down a lump and nodes. "You sure there is money in there?" he asks looking at the bag.

Jungkook stands up. "Let's find out-" he says but Jimin's grabs onto his wrist before he can move.

"Don't go." Jimin says. "I'm scared. Don't go Jungkook-ah. "

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