Chapter 2 : Left Alone

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Hayley had adopted us both three years ago. One sudden day we were left alone just the two of us. But let me tell you how that happened. We both came home from school Hayley who i now call mum and her boyfriend Mark who i also now call dad are arguing. Mark is shouting. "Yeah that's right you fuck of like you always do. You made a promise to those girls and now what you are fucking of because you are going to have your own baby that isnt even fucking mine." hayley was pregnant and it looked like she was moving out because she had better responsibiities other than us. We stood in the door way. As hayley comes down the stairs with her bag packed i say as she is leaving the house. "So what thats it you made the commitment for three fucking years and now your leaving the two of us we will go back into care and you dont fucking care. We might as well of stayed there. Your pulling us in to the life you diddnt want us to have."

She turns around away from the door to look at me and says. "Im sorry okay but i cant look after you two while i have my own baby." I turn away from her and say "Fuck of i dont want to ever see your fucking shitty face again. I hope that baby rotts." I felt bad for saying that but hoped she knew i diddnt mean it. I can have anger outburts and some times go to far. She walks out and mark goes after her. We could hear them shouting and arguing and then I see them through the window. They both walk in separate ways. But they don't return home.

I don't know how I feel that they have both just left us. It's like haley just wanted her own child and not look after us. I know we are not her children and we are old enough to look after ourselves with a adult around but she said she will look after us till we can look after ourselves when we turn eighteen and now she's just left us.

The two of us are left standing staring at eachother. We are both under the age of eighteen witch means we will both go back into care. I say "So what do we do know?" Then victoria says. "We live like we did when Hayley and Mark was here but just the two of us." It diddnt feel right. It felt wrong. We kept it a secret. Teachers would ask. "I need to talk to your parents about your behaviour." I would always say they were buisy and when they called victotia answered. She would pretend to be hayley. She was good at doing hayleys voice. Victoria diddnt care how I behaved at school only because she acted out at school just like me. And she understands how messed up our life is and gets that I'm not the little girl I was when mum and dad where here.

Life became complicated we woke up one day and we had no electricity or gas or water. That meant we would freeze, stink, and die of thirst. Victoria tried to protect me as much as she could but she couldn't protect me from this. "What do we do now?" Hayley had obliviously stopped the payments and me or Victoria are not old enough to have a job to earn money. But Victoria said. "I will try to get a job and we can fix this." I diddng want her to put herself at risk but I diddnt want to go back to care. So we needed a way to pay the bills. So Victoria went on the search for a job and a fake ID. I went to school like normal. I arrive and my year teacher comes over and says "Jessica are you okay? I haven't seen hayley for a while. And where is your sister?" Teachers are so nosy. "Yeah fine thanks. She's buisy with work and victoria is really sick. I couldn't wait to come to school to get away from her germs." Lie is my middle name.
I was good at it and it was something I have had to do since hayley left.

School finishes so I head home and victoria is home. "What the fuck are you wearing?" I laugh but victoria doesn't. "It's not funny this is the only fucking job I could get and well it pays well." I look concerned "are you going to be okay? I don't want you doing a job you feel uncomfortable in." She shouts "there is no other fucking way jess. This is our life for now on. Constantly working, looking out the window in case police are on their way and worrying what other people think. That's our life. We are both under age in a house we can't lay for." I storm out. And walk across the road. I see someone watching our house they cover their face with a hood. "Who the fuck are you?" They start to run. Then I run after them. And I can't have them. I uncover their face and I can't belive it. "What the fuck do you think you are doing around here?" She gets up from the floor and says "I was making sure you were okay." I can't belive the nerve of her. "Making sure we are okay. Let me tell you what we are we are fucking not okay and in so much shit that you left us in. You left us to fend for ourselveswe are under eighteen. Victoria has got a job that she shouldn't have to do. And we have no electricity, no water, no gas and no fucking food. So no you don't fucking care about us you just care about your fucking self. Stay the fuck away from us." I felt powerful and everything I said was true. I walk away. And she says "Jess I'm sorry." I turn around and laugh. "Your not fucking sorry. You have better responsibiities than us. So just fuck of to those better responsibiities and leave your unwanted responsibiities alone." I walk away and don't look back. I don't tell victoria about seeing hayley or about our argument. I didn't see any point in making her upset as well.

The next week passes like a flash. Victoria is buisy with her work and well you know living on your own with nothing  makes you feel lonley. I quit school and just stop going. Victoria has lots of missed phone calls from school and there is something going around social media. "Did you see this?" I show victoria. It's a missing post. It says "two girls who attend Snowdown school have been missing for a week and no one has seen or heard from them for a while  now." What do we do now? "Victoria this is bad. Everyone thinks we are missing." This felt weird. We couldn't have anyone finding out otherwise we will be sent back to care. Victoria says "this is all your fault." I look at hera and say "how is this my fucking fault? You stopped going to school and teachers asked questions. Soon enough they would tell we were lying."

Someone bangs hard on our door. We look at eachother the same way when hayley and mark left and never came back. "That better not be police." Wr hear a voice say. "Jess let me I'm now." It's hayley. Victoria goes to open the door. "Your not opening it." She says "yes we have to she might have something important to say." She goes to open it and says. "I have been so worried people have put missing post for you two." I laugh and say. "What and you would care if we were acctually dead? I doubt it your the one who left us here alone with no adult supervision. We could of died of hypothermia or starvation." She looks concerned. "Is it that bad?" I laugh and I can't stop. "You left us with fuck all." She says "Look I will leave soon but Mike is on his way. To make sure your okay because he saw the posts. So I will just say you have both been ill with the flu." What and she thinks this makes up for leaving us. "What and you think that makes up for your bad parenting and leaving us stranded."

As I finish my sentence there is another knock at the door. That must be mike. We all sit down and act normal. Hayley goes to get the door. "Hey like sorry that you had to come all the way here. The girls are just in the living room." As Mike comes in I run to him for a hug. "Mike I've missed you." We sit down and he says. "Im here because I have missed you girls but I'm also here and there have been allegations that you are missing. But clearly your not your here." I say go with hayleys believable story. "Well last week victoria was sriously ill so she diddnt go to school and Well then I got seriously ill so we just stayed at home instead of giving it to everyone at school. But hayley diddnt call because she diddnt think she needed to." He says. "Oh that makes sense. Hayley it's always good to inform the school of any absences as its their duty to be worried." Hayley says. "Sorry I just didn't think. I will make sure I inform them in the future and we'll jessica is better now so she will be attending next week." Look at her and say. "No I won't be. I quit school." Victoria kicks me. To tell me to shut up. "No you are not miss. You have to be in education until your eighteen good try though." She laughs making an act of it and well I'm not joking. But I carry on the act as I don't want to go back to care. "Well know I'm at piece and know your both okay I can leave you bee. Just remember hayley to tell the school if they can't attend." Hayley sees Mike out and says "yeah I will make sure thanks Mike. It's nice to know you care about your the girls still even if they out of your care." The door closes and hayley comes back into the room.

I say "you can fuck of now." She looks shocked and says " A thankyou wouldnt go a miss. I just saved the two of  you." I say "your the one that would get in trouble not us. You made a promise that you broke so fuck off and I never want to see you again." She walks out and says. "I do care about you, you know." I laugh and say before shutting the door on her. "If you fucking cared then you wouldn't of  left us to fend for ourselves your supposed to be the fucking adult. So just fuck off back to your own shitty family. Because you ain't part of ours." As she walks away she doesn't look back just like the time she left us. This time I hoped it was for good and I will never ever have to see her again. She adopted us and made us think we would never have to be placed back into care and now we have that worry all over again. Victoria looks at me angrily and says "You could of at least said thankyou. If it wasnt for her you would be back in your nightmare." Shes right about that ending up back in care is my nightmare. You get no freedom and you feel like your in prison. But at least we would have heatening and electrisity. "Maybe we would be better of in care. And dont make out she saved us. She only did it out of guilt."

I run upstairs and sit on my bed. And just cry. Bad comes after bad and nothing or no one can stop it. When you think you have hope and you belive that the bad luck you had was a one off but then it just keeps hitting you then youll never belive you will be happy again. I know i will never be happy again and thats going to follow me for the rest of my life. Pain will follow you with every breath you take. Will i finally gain good luck?

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