Chapter 9: Tick or Treat

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October 2022

It's nearly Halloween the worst season of my life. But it's even worser. Me and callettee are scared for our lives. Callettee used to be in a gang a few years back.

When he was little he was abandoned by his mother and someone took him in. That someone was George Britain's most wanted gang leader. He was brought up in a gang. So when he became a teenager it was his duty to work for George who he also calls his dad he had no other choice but to work for him aspecially for all that he did for callettee.

Callettee managed to get out a few years ago but it was like a betrayal. So they have been after him ever since.

Recently they have been messaging him threatening things like they will kill him and me If he doesn't go back to the gang. "Look callettee please stop looking at the messages." I diddnt want to belive that they would kill us but I knew what they were capable of from what callettee has told me. "I can't I know they are being serious."

Callettee would never go back to the gang witch I Don't blame him but I had no idea what we could do without being killed. I hear callettee phone ping a thousand times knowing that it was someone in George's gang.

You would think that George would treat him with respect as he has known him so long. But I think they think callettee is disrespecting them.

The next morning I wake up and go downstairs then I see that callettee is on the floor I run over. "Callettee can you hear me?" No response. I felt a pain in my chest. I know he was scared of the gang coming after us but I diddnt think he was this scared.

I called an ambulance and they came streight away. Thats how serious it was. Callettee was treated in hospital but diddnt let me in to see him. I waited and waited until he would let me see him but he diddnt let me in at all.

A few days later i got a message from him. It was unexpected. The worst message of my life. "Hello Jessica, I have been moved to a mental health clinic and will be here for a month you are not aloud to see me so I'm going to make it easy for you I want to break up with you. I don't want you to be hurt by this because I will always love you but I can't be like this around you so I have decided that you are better of without me. Love you always callettee." Not a message you take lightly. And well reminds me of gerald whe he was in hospital because of his own actions. This hurt because i knew callettee did this because he was scared. Scared of dying.

I felt hurt and like I couldn't breath. How could callettee do this to me? Gerald came to stay with me at the house incase I had any serious seizures. We talked some of the time since brutally breaking up with eachother. "Where are you going?" I tell him. "I'm going to see callettee." He stops me and shuts the door. "He doesn't want to see you. You need to respect his wishes." He says it like he knows something. "What do you mean respect his wishes? He isn't dying." When I finished that sentence silence fell. "Look Jessica he just asked to be left alone so he can feel better." It diddnt make me feel better.

He had just broke up with me over text. It hurt me like you couldn't imagine. Later that night I video call callettee. He answers. "What gives you the fucking right to break up with me over text? Did you never like me or even love me? What were we if you can just break up with us like that?" He starts crying. "I'm sorry I knew it would hurt you but it's the best thing. I loved you and will always love you. But I feel like I can't look after you if I feel like this. You need someone to love you and care for you properly." People think they have to look after me. But they don't. "You dont fucking love me if you fucking love me you would let me support you through any pain and tough times but no you just want to blame it on me. That you need to protect me." I cry and shut the phone down.

Gerald goes out and its weird ever since callettee has been in hospital he goes out at the same time. Makes me think he is going to visit callettee.

Each day I get messages from the gang. "Tick tock time is running out." I diddnt belive them but if callettee has done this I feel like they are being serious. Then a knife emoji is sent. What did that mean. I was being targeted. I felt like I wae going crazy like my mind couldn't cope with the thought of being chased down my street and killed. But i bet no ones mind could get around that.

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